Ginger is becoming more and more popular. It seems as if most food today has ginger it. But is it also safe for our pet friends? Can dogs have ginger?
The answer to this question is a bit more complex. We have to go over what ginger actually is, and how it can be consumed in the first place.
Then we will discuss if dogs can have it. And if so — how much?
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Ginger has healing effects
The healing effect of ginger has been known for hundreds of years. Especially in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, the medicinal plant is extremely popular.
Ginger is mainly good for problems with the digestive system. It helps against vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, and also diarrhea. It’s also popular with motion sickness.
Ginger helps also with inflammation, pain, and fever. It can even be almost as effective as real medications.
What is ginger?
It is not the plant that is used, but a part named rhizome. Imagine this as a root that grows strongly branched in the earth.
When in food, we usually peel the ginger before using it. We already know that ginger has a yellow color and a very strong taste and smell.
The reason for this taste is essential oils and resin acids. Gingerol gives the ginger the spiciness.

Ginger contains vitamins C, B3, and B6, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Substances such as borneol, cineol, and zingerone as well as shogaol are important for digestion.
Ginger has an analgesic effect
Especially with regard to dogs, ginger is also great to help with muscle or bone pain.
Ginger is particularly important here as an anti-inflammatory. Ginger can be helpful for osteoarthritis or hip joint dysplasia.
Both diseases are chronic diseases that are accompanied by inflammation. They are incredibly common in many dog breeds, especially larger ones.
Ginger makes the dog more flexible. The production of joint lubrication is stimulated. This reduces friction between cartilage and joint.
Pain is relieved and the inflammatory process is inhibited.
Can dogs have ginger?
Dogs can have ginger. But, your dog should not eat ginger on a daily basis. Especially not in larger quantities.
Because ginger carries dangers that some dog owners underestimate. Many dog owners give ginger to their sick dogs. Subsequently, the state of health improves.
However, the cause of the disease is not corrected, but only the symptom is alleviated. This effect is of course pleasing. However, this does not mean that ginger is suitable for continuous use.
So too much ginger can have a negative effect on your dog.
Side effects of ginger for dogs
The pain-relieving effect of ginger is based on the ingredient gingerol. It ensures that the sensation of pain is reduced.
You can roughly compare this effect of gingerol with the effect of aspirin.
However, a reduced feeling of pain can have negative consequences for your dog. For example, diseases may progress without being detected in time.
The dog shows little or no pain and thus an important warning signal from the body is turned off. Thus, regular ginger administration could even cause serious damage.
Dosage: How much ginger can dogs have?
You would certainly not feed your dog regularly with aspirin. However, ginger can have similar side effects.
The sharp substances in ginger can massively irritate the gastrointestinal tract with regular or increased administration. There is inflammation and, in the worst case, even bleeding.
Talk to your veterinarian
If you want to do something good for your darling, then add some ginger to the food from time to time.
If you would like to use ginger as a medicine, be sure to talk to your veterinarian beforehand.
Never treat your dog independently. Talk to your veterinarian about the right remedy.
Do not buy cheap ginger remedies. This allows you to harm your dog more than help him.