Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix
The American Pitbull Terrier and Rottweiler mix, also known as Pitweiler, is a designer dog great for people who are looking for a protective, large and endearing puppy.
This is an active dog that excels in sports such as mobility, obedience, and tracking. Powerful, persistent, and smart, pitbull mixed with rottweiler is not a breed for a new owner or someone who lives in a small apartment.
The Pitbull Rottweiler mix is not the kind of dog who likes to lie on the couch with you watching a movie. Instead, they prefer to go running and explore the world. This is a true working dog that always needs a job.
But can this designer dog be a good loving family dog and how are they health-wise? We will answer those and many more questions about the Rottweiler Pitbull mix dog in the coming sections. So, if you believe that this active protector could be the dog for you, read on to learn more.
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A brief history of the Rottweiler Pitbull Mix
The Rottweiler Pitbull mix is a relatively recent crossbreed. But, when did breeders start working on the Pitbull Rottweiler cross? Well, to be honest, we don‘t know. It is unclear when exactly this mix came to life. But we do know why they came to life.
Breeders wanted a dog that was strong and had good traits like a robust body, protectiveness, and a strong will, so they mixed two breeds that had these traits. This is how they came up with the Rottweiler Pitbull Mix.
But, to better understand this designer breed, we can take a closer look at the parent breeds, the American Pitbull Terrier and the Rottweiler.
To learn more about the history of the Pitbull Rottweiler hybrid, we must first examine the origins of the two parent breeds.
History of the Rottweiler – Dating back to Roman times
The Molossus, a mastiff-like dog, is the ancestor of Rottweilers. In the early days, their forefathers marched alongside the Romans to Germany, herding the cattle that kept them going as they conquered the known world. The army’s huge dogs mated with dogs native to the countries they passed through as they journeyed, laying the groundwork for new breeds.
Southern Germany was one of the locations they traveled through, where the Romans established colonies to take advantage of the favorable climate and land. They constructed villas with red tile roofs. Residents of the town unearthed the location of the ancient Roman baths and uncovered one of the red-tiled villas while building a new church more than 600 years later. The finding gave the town a new name: das Rote Wil (the red tile).
Rottweilers grew in popularity as a cattle market town, the German counterpart of a Texas cowtown, and descendants of the Roman Molossus dogs brought the cattle to town for butchering. When the cattlemen returned home after selling their herd, they placed their filled purses around the necks of their Rottweilers to keep their money safe from robbers. The dogs were also utilized by butchers in the area to pull carts loaded with meat.
On the verge of extinction
Cattle drives were eventually phased out in favor of rail transport. The Rottweiler was on the verge of extinction. Only one unremarkable Rottweiler was displayed in a dog show in Heilbronn, Germany, in 1882. When the Rottweiler and Leonberger Club were created in 1901, and the first Rottweiler breed standard was written, the situation began to change. Since then, little has changed in terms of Rottweiler’s appearance and personality.
Rottweilers began to be utilized in law enforcement, which they were well-suited for. Several Rottweiler breed associations arose over the years, but the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (ADRK), founded in 1921, was the most successful. The ADRK has continued to support good breeding programs in Germany and around the world since World War II. It is dedicated to preserving the Rottweiler’s working capacity.
The first Rottweiler is said to have arrived in the United States in the late 1920s with a German emigrant. The first litter was born in 1930, and Stina v Felsenmeer was the first dog to be registered by the American Kennel Club in 1931.
Following World War II, the breed began to gain popularity. It was mostly noted at the time for being an exceptional obedience dog. The popularity of the Rottweiler peaked in the mid-1990s when the American Kennel Club registered over 100,000 dogs.
History of the American Pitbull Terrier
In early nineteenth-century England, bull and terrier breeds were developed for the popular spectator sport of bull- and bear-baiting. When those sports were declared barbaric and made illegal in 1835, dogfighting arose in their stead, and the characteristic of aggressive breeds was bred into the genetic line as a result.
Another feature of this breed’s genetic composition is its aversion to biting humans. Handlers who entered dog-fighting rings wanted to be able to separate dogs without being injured. The breed quickly earned a reputation for being a robust, guard dog that was yet kind and family-friendly.
When these “bulldogs” came to America with their owners, they began a new life as all-around farm dogs. Hunting wild game, patrolling the property against animal intruders, and offering companionship were all part of their duties. The settlers developed a devoted dog that was larger than it had been in England, in keeping with their new country’s “bigger is better” mentality.
The British version of the AKC, the UKC, dubbed these bulldogs the American Pit Bull Terrier in 1898. In the early 1930s, the AKC agreed to recognize the breed, albeit under a new name. The AKC called it the American Staffordshire Terrier to distinguish it from its pit-fighting heritage.
The American Staffordshire Terrier has been bred for AKC conformation, or dog shows, since that time, although the American Pit Bull Terrier has not. As a result, there are minor variances in physical appearance and behavior.
Rottweiler parent breed
Rottweilers are strong and large brilliant dogs. One look at them and it is clear that they are powerful dogs. In this section, we will talk more about the appearance of the Rottweiler.
Rottweilers are a little bit longer than they are tall, but they are huge canines.
A female Rottweiler is around 22 inches tall, while males are around 27 inches tall. When it comes to their weight, it ranges from 80 pounds to 120 pounds. Females are usually light in weight because they are smaller in size.
>>> Full Comparison: Female Rottweiler vs Male Rottweiler
Rottweilers have huge heads and are blocky dogs. The ears are close to the head and droop down somewhat. The muzzles are square and powerful, but due to loose flies, Rotties can be a touch drooly. Rottweilers should have a black coat with tan points, and the ideal coat is short, dense, and rough. A “fluffy” puppy may occasionally appear in a litter, but such a coat type is disqualified in the breed ring and is not accepted by the American Kennel Club. Their tails are usually docked to a minimum of one to two vertebrae.

Rottweilers, like other large breeds, can take a long time to mature. Although adult height is frequently fixed by one year of age, many puppies do not reach full adult growth until they are two or three years old. With age, these dogs will widen their chests and become the huge dogs we know them to be. Be sure to follow rottweiler food requirements.
It is always difficult to talk about a dog‘s temperament and personality. This is because the temperament of any dog can be influenced by a variety of things like genetics, upbringing, and environment. But there are ways to predict what a puppy might be like.
For example, good-tempered puppies are curious and lively and eager to meet new people. It might not be the best idea to pick a puppy who is savagely abusing his brothers and sisters or hiding in the corner, especially if you don‘t have a lot of experience with dogs. With that being said, let us get into the personality traits of Rottweilers.
The ideal Rottweiler is unflappable, unafraid, and unapologetic. People don’t gravitate toward him because of his self-assured distance. With new acquaintances or situations, he prefers to wait and see.
In the presence of his family, he is affectionate and follows them about the house. This is not a dog that gets riled up easily. As an instinctual protector of his family and property, he should never engage in an unjustified attack on another person. Smart and versatile, the Rottweiler has a strong work ethic.
Firm, consistent, but not severe, training is needed for Rottweilers. In certain cases, a stern word is all that’s needed, but only when your authority has been firmly demonstrated. Don’t let him push you or play bluffs. If you don’t have the time or confidence to train and supervise a dog, this is not the dog for you. Setting limits and enforcing penalties for bad behavior take practice and persistence if you want your Rottweiler to respect you.
There are a lot of different things and people that Rottweilers need to be exposed to as a puppy to grow up to be good dogs, this is called socialization. If you want your dog to be well-rounded and well-behaved early socialization is a must. The best way to do this is by enrolling your dog in puppy kindergarten. Besides that, you can help your dog improve his social skills by inviting friends over regularly and taking him to crowded parks and dog-friendly stores as well as on long walks to meet his friends.
Pitbull parent breed
Just like the Rottweiler, the American Pitbull Terrier looks like a dog that has a great amount of energy, desire, and willpower right away. Their size adds to that appearance as well. Male Pitbulls are between 18 to 21 inches tall and weigh between 35 and 60 pounds, while females are between 17 to 20 inches tall at the shoulder and are 30 to 50 pounds heavy.
A strongly muscled, well-defined neck supports the brick-like head, which is especially broad between the cheeks (to house the formidable jaws). A deep, thick, well-sprung chest follows the neck. The American Pit Bull is a powerful, stocky, yet nimble dog with a large amount of strength for its size.

Pitbulls are muscular, but affectionate and loving dogs
The tail comes to a point at the end. The UKC and the ADBA do not accept docked tails.
The ears are usually clipped, but, this is not required.
The eyes are large and round and dark. It has thick, short, lustrous hair on its coat.
All colors are permitted and there are many base colors, some of which are:
- black
- fawn
- blue/gray
- white
- tan
- brindle
- grey
- red
Red-nose Pit Bulls have a nose that is red/brown, similar to their coat.
Blue-nose Pit Bulls are gray-colored dogs with gray noses.
The majority of American Pitbull Terriers are happy, playful companions who are gentle and patient with all of their family members. They usually have good behavior, but all dogs are unique and have different personalities. There are some exceptions to this rule, as there are with any breed.
These canines adore people and have no notion that their size prevents them from becoming lapdogs. They are watchdogs in the sense that they may alert you to the arrival of strangers, but this is mostly because they are eager to receive “their” guests.
While their love of people makes them poor guard dogs, their bravery is unrivaled, and they will risk their lives to protect their families.
American Pit Bull Terriers, like all dogs, require early socialization or exposure to a variety of people, sights, sounds, and experiences. Socialization ensures that your pitbull puppy develops into a well-rounded adult dog.
Despite difficulties, Pitbulls are known for their bravery and willingness to continue with their tasks at hand. Because of these characteristics, they are tough, tenacious, and courageous. Pitbulls should be supervised at all times while around youngsters, just like any other large dog.
Main characteristics of a Pitweiler
The origins of the first crossbreed of a Rottweiler and Pitbull mix are a little cloudy, but it is suspected to have been in the United States.
The intention of crossing these two pedigree breeds is to get a more agile guard dog. Because this is a crossbreed, they are not accepted by the AKC.
These dogs not only look physically strong and impressive – they are. Rottweiler Pitbull mixtures are often all muscles and it can be difficult to keep control of the dog if they are untrained dogs.
Rottweiler and Pitbulls are quite similar in temperaments, so it’s pretty easy to predict what your cross will act like.
Whether you need a running partner or an agility dog, this puppy is more than willing to do anything you want (as long as it’s with you).
Guard and watchdogs, and will protect you no matter what.
They are loyal, attentive, and self-confident.
Physical characteristics of the Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix
As a mixture, this puppy can look more like either a Pitbull or a Rottweiler, or they can look like a mixture of the two.
Most of these dogs have the strong, muscular body of a pit bull with the longer legs of a Rottweiler and the big head that is common to both breeds. You will also have the loose cheeks of Rottweilers. That means a lot of drooling.
They are generally the imposing size of a Rottweiler with the muscular physique and the thick legs of a Pitbull.
Due to both parent breeds, there are a variety of possible sizes. Males are always taller than females and also heavier. They are between 18 and 26 inches tall and weigh between 45 and 100 pounds.
Colors and coat
These strong dogs come in a wide range of colors, including chocolate, brown, black, speckled, gold, white, blue, meral, and beef. Their coat color will depend on the parent mix.
The color is usually determined by the Pitbull side of the family, as Rottweiler is only available in one color. The most common coloration is the black-brown coloring of Rottweilers.
Their face can also be decorated with different markings. These consist of brown on eyebrows, muzzle, chest, and legs. They can also have white flames on their muzzles and white socks.
They usually have short coats that don’t shed much at all.
Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix Personality
This breed is an energetic dog that does not fully understand its strength.
Rottweilers have the habit of jumping on people due to excitement, and this mix is no different. For this reason, some caution must be exercised when they are close to young children or older adults.
These mixtures are very playful dogs with a lot of energy. They are constantly on the move and need a lot of movement and toys to play with.
Rottweiler Pitbull Mix is not a big barker and usually only bark when there is something to alert. Even then, it’s usually just one or two barks to attract your attention and let you know that something is wrong. But, their barks are very deep and noisy.
When with strangers, Pitweilers are usually distanced. They need a lot of positive socialization in their young life.
You should always keep an eye on them when they are with smaller animals and cats. Although they can be taught not to hunt or injure other animals, they should never remain unattended.
They are also not the best with other dogs. They usually perform better in different pairs of sexes. Women are particularly susceptible to aggression towards other women.
Rottweiler Pit Mix Exercise requirements
Both Pitbulls and Rottweilers have high energy levels and are highly driven breeds. So your mix will be no different.
These dogs have high exercise needs and require at least one hour of straight-ahead per day and then at least another half hour of playing time as soon as you are back home.
Every day, Rottweiler and Pitbull crossbreeds should do at least 60 minutes of exercise. They may also have time to train and play around, too. There are a lot of different things you can do with your Rottweiler Pitbull mix as a way to get some exercise like walking, running, jogging, and playing fetch. Besides, rope pulling and mobility training are great ways to physically train these dogs.
Pitweiler puppies
This applies to Rottweiler Pitbull mix adult dogs, but when it comes to the Pitbull Rottweiler puppy you need to be careful and not over-exercise them. Take it slow and give them time to adjust to physical activity.
Large breed dogs are predisposed to hip and elbow dysplasia, and we know that over-exercising during puppyhood can increase the risk. To know how much exercise your dog needs keep the following rule in mind:
- Exercise them for a maximum of 5 minutes for each month of age.
So, if your dog is 6 months old he will need 30 minutes of exercise daily.
The health of the Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix
The average lifespan of Pitweilers is usually between 8-12 years, which is normal for all larger dogs no matter if they are purebred dogs or designer dogs. Although Pitbull and Rottweiler mixes are generally healthy, they are susceptible to some different conditions. First, let‘s take a closer look at the health issues of both parent breeds separately, and then we will go into more detail on the most common health issues of the Rottweiler Pitbull Mix.
Most common health problems of the Pitbull breed:
- Bone diseases such as hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and kneecap dislocation
- Skin problems, such as mange and skin allergies, because of its short coat
- Other health ailments include thyroid and congenital heart defects
Most common health problems of the Rottweiler parent breed:
- Progressive retinal atrophy
- Cataracts
- Aortic stenosis
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Osteochondritis
Despite the health problems of the parent breeds, you can keep your Rottweiler Pitbull mix healthy. There are many ways to do that, but the best way is to keep track of what they eat and if they are getting enough exercise.
All dogs need a high-quality, well-balanced diet where they will get all the needed nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The Rottweiler Pitbull mix requires protein-rich feed, especially as they grow.
These dogs usually do best when fed three times a day plus small treats. If you are unable to do so, you can simply divide food consumption between morning and evening.
Most common health issues of the Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix
Hip dysplasia
When a dog’s hip joint fails to develop normally, this is known as canine hip dysplasia. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that can become extremely loose and unstable if the two components do not expand at the same rate.
Hip dysplasia in dogs can cause serious problems because if a dog walks around with a loose hip joint, the joint’s anatomy may be irreversibly destroyed. If ignored, the condition can lead to osteoarthritis (also known as a degenerative joint disease). Because of the uneven movement, the cartilage wears away, causing scar tissue and bone spurs to form.
Canine hip dysplasia is a hereditary disorder, which means it is passed down through the generations.
If you’re considering getting a Labrador retriever, keep in mind that large breed dogs are more susceptible to the disease than small breed dogs. But, genetics isn’t the only factor that causes this illness in dogs. Puppies with a genetic predisposition to hip dysplasia are more likely to develop the illness if they are fed more than they require, resulting in faster-than-average weight gain and growth, according to experts. Another danger factor is puppy overexertion or too much exercise.
Elbow dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia is a genetic disorder generated by the interaction of the parent’s genes.
The particular method by which the elbow grows abnormally is uncertain. It is hypothesized that an uneven fit (or incongruency) exists, resulting in inappropriate weight distribution within the joint. Points of high-pressure damage the cartilage that covers the bones, and cartilage and underlying bone fragmentation may result (osteochondrosis).
Elbow dysplasia is a frequent condition, especially in large breed dogs. Forelimb lameness and stiffness are the most common symptoms. The latter is usually most visible after a time of rest following activities. The leg’s weight-bearing capacity may be diminished, and the paw may rotate outward. Signs of osteoarthritis usually occur when the dog is a puppy (five to eight months old) or when the dog is an adult (a few years of age).
Some dogs with elbow dysplasia can be successfully treated without surgery by veterinarians.
Exercise must frequently be controlled to some level. Each dog has a varied threshold for the amount of time and type of activity that causes elbow pain to intensify. Hydrotherapy is frequently advantageous. If your dog is overweight, he will need to go on a diet.
Cataracts in Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix
Dogs get cataracts in the same way as people do as they age. A foggy coating forms on the lens of the eye, preventing light from entering. Water and proteins are present in your dog’s eyes. Cataracts arise when proteins in the lens of the eye clump together and produce a cloud-like material.
Proteins build up over time, eventually clouding the entire lens. Cataracts can start small and become larger over time, or they can arise suddenly and blind your dog.
But what causes cataracts exactly?
Inherited illness is the most common cause of cataracts in dogs. Other causes include:
- injuries to the eye
- diseases such as diabetes mellitus (“sugar diabetes”)
Some cataracts appear to develop on their own and are thought to be age-related.
It is very rare for cataracts that affect more than 30% of the lenses or just one lens to cause vision loss. When the opacity covers about 60% of the lens area, it’s usually obvious that something is wrong with your dog‘s vision. It will be hard for the dog to see in the eye that was hurt if the opacity covers 100% of the lens. But, the type of cataract, the breed, and other risk factors will determine whether the cataract stays the same or grows.
Aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis is a frequent congenital disease in large breed dogs, generally characterized by a ridge or ring of fibrotic tissue in the subaortic region (subaortic stenosis). In more severely affected dogs, the disease is usually accompanied by a loud ejection murmur and feeble peripheral pulses. Echocardiography can be used to make a diagnosis. The prognosis varies according to the severity of the condition, and medicinal care is most commonly used owing to the failure or unavailability of interventional and surgical options.
Using a beta-blocker (like atenolol) is the most common way to treat heart disease. This helps to reduce myocardial oxygen demand, extend diastole, and reduce stress on the left ventricular wall. Antiarrhythmic treatment is recommended for dogs with very bad ventricular ectopy. Even though balloon valvuloplasty may help in the short term, it isn’t likely to have long-term benefits. Open surgical resection is costly, only available at places that can provide cardiopulmonary bypass, and has a higher risk of death and morbidity.
Treatment isn’t needed for animals that aren’t very sick. Animals that aren’t very sick might have a fair to a good prognosis. Animals that have been infected should not be kept as pets or pets. Affected dogs are more likely to get aortic valve infections (infective endocarditis) if they are given antibiotics before surgery and treated quickly when they get sick (ie, urinary, skin, ear, etc.).
How to train a Pitbull and Rottweiler mix
Pitbull and Rottweiler mixtures are best suited for positive reinforcement and daily work, starting as a puppy.
With these dogs, you can never give up training. In addition to all their physical exercise, they need a lot of mental stimulation. It should be enough to work on daily obedience for at least half an hour.