Vinegar is a household staple. Be it white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, both are used for so many things. For example, cleaning, food preparation, weed control some people even use to help weight loss. But, given that it’s so versatile, is it also safe for dogs? Can dogs eat vinegar?
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It’s understandable that you ask this question. As responsible dog owners, we really do need to be sure what is safe for our dogs and what is not!
In this article we’re going to take a closer look at vinegar and if dogs can consume it!
Can dogs eat vinegar?
The answer to the question can dogs eat vinegar is yes! Vinegar is safe for dogs. In fact, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest options you can offer your dog!
However, even though it is safe and healthy for dogs there are still certain things you need to take into consideration before giving it to your dog.
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The truth about vinegar
It’s a fact that apple cider vinegar is amazing for overall health and wellbeing. It’s great for the immune system, digestion and it can even relieve muscle soreness. On the other hand, it can also cause gastrointestinal upset when ingested, especially when undiluted.

If you would like to learn more about which human foods are safe for dogs I have some useful articles for you:
- What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?
- What fruits can dogs eat and which are toxic?
- Can Dogs Eat Spicy Food?
- Which Food Is Good Or Bad For Dogs?
Now, before you give your dog vinegar keep in mind that your canine should definitely not drink it and you can only serve it in very small amounts! Besides this, you can only use white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Both of which need to be diluted!
As I always stress, moderation is key! If your dog consumes too much vinegar it will get sick. Vinegar can only be a dietary supplement.
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How to give dogs vinegar
As mentioned above you should only give your dog diluted vinegar. You can start by adding one or two teaspoons to your dog’s water. You can also sprinkle some vinegar on your dog’s food.
With vinegar, you can also make a homemade flea spray. Simply mix vinegar and water and spray it onto your dog’s fur to keep fleas away.
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We have to stress this one more time. Observe how your dog acts when they consume vinegar and if you notice any unusual behaviour please let your veterinarian know.
Benefits of vinegar
Vinegar has actually many health benefits for your dog because it contains:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Iron
Firstly, vinegar has many health benefits for your dog. If you add it to your dog’s water or food it can help boost his appetite and it adds vitamins and minerals to their food.
Secondly, another benefit of vinegar is that it can balance your dog’s PH level. Propper PH levels are crucial to your dog’s overall health.
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Thirdly, vinegar is great for detoxifying and cleansing your dog’s internal organs like his bladder, kidney and liver.
In conclusion, can dogs eat vinegar? Yes, they can! But they don’t really have to.
Sure, vinegar can be beneficial for your dog’s health. But it isn’t a must that your dog really consumes it.
Generally speaking, you should never rely on anything else than your dog’s food to provide them with necessary nutrients. Your dog’s food and diet should be balanced and contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for your dog to be healthy.