Baby German Shepherd
Having a new puppy is exciting. Oh, how much joy that little creature brings into your home. But, the first day and night of having a new puppy are also scary. It can also be very challenging, especially if you’re dealing with a larger breed. Like a baby German Shepherd, for example.
I don’t want to scare you. Of course, not every puppy has the same personality. Some puppies will adjust easily and sleep through the night. But others will cry for a few days and nights until they get adjusted, as a real newborn. With proper introductions, be sure to ensure much sleep for them at this phase.
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I will share tips with you on how to survive the first day and night with your new puppy and their unique needs . And I will explain how to care for it.
Baby German Shepherd – Surviving the first 24 hours
The first day is kind of the most important. It’s the day you want to begin bonding with your pup if you are new parent and you still have so much to learn. Also, if they had a previous home, you need to be careful to make the transition to the new home as smooth as possible.
But how do you do that? What are the actual first steps you need to do during the first day with your pup?
The first day
The first day with your puppy is a special day. You should fully enjoy it. This is why it’s important that you stay at home! This way you can make your puppy feel secure and you can enjoy every minute of this experience.
Your next task will be to introduce your German Shepherd to its new home. Start with one room and your garden. If you have one. Let them roam around and explore a little bit in the coming weeks.

The first day home should also be the first day you introduce rules. You might think it’s too early, but day one is actually the perfect day to start enforcing rules. But, don’t forget to praise good behavior.
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The perfect time to start potty training is right away! Take your puppy to the outside area where it can do its business. Use a command that you’ll stick to, like “go potty”. You’ll probably have to wait a little bit. But, eventually, they will relieve themself. That’s when you should reward your puppy with a special treat and praise.
When it comes to family, you don’t want to scare your baby German Shepherd. Introduce him to one person at a time.
You also want your pup to get along with your other pets (if you have any). So start introducing it to other family pets on day one. It’s okay if your older dog growls a little. However, if your older dog becomes agitated, separate them for a while.
And lastly, make a veterinary appointment. Your vet should give your new puppy a checkup in the next few days.
What not to do on the first day
Now you know what you should do. But there are also things you shouldn’t let your dog do!
Firstly, don’t let your puppy roam all rooms. Limit your puppy’s access to only one area. For example the living room. Pick a room where you will be too. A lot of new places, smells, and people at once could confuse your baby German Shepherd.
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Secondly, this is a stressful moment for your puppy. Don’t invite friends and neighbors over to meet him yet.
The same goes for walks. Don’t take your dog on long walks just yet. There is a possibility you’ll meet other dogs. Your puppy probably hasn’t gotten all of its shots. So he shouldn’t interact with strange dogs or even walk where other dogs do.
The first night
I know that little baby German Shepherd is scary. Well, it’s cute, but also scary. But don’t worry.
Firstly, your new pup might be very hyper. Some puppies might be scared. Either way, play as much as possible with your pup. Go out for walks around your garden. This way your pup will use up his energy and settle down.

Secondly, make sure he goes potty before bed. This way they won’t make a mess in your house.
Thirdly, let your dog sleep close to you. Your puppy is scared and needs to feel safe. So, maybe keep his crate in your bedroom. Be sure to use a physical barrier if you want to restrict access to any part of the apartment or house.
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The fourth tip I have is to have a set bedtime. Every dog needs a routine. Only that way can they adjust to the best option for you. So, it doesn’t matter if your pup goes to bed at 8 p.m. or midnight. It’s just important that it’s at the same time every night.
Lastly, know that your dog will cry and whine. But, it is not a good idea to put the pup in your bed as soon as he starts whining. What you can do is put your dog’s crate right next to your bed. You can also put your hand inside the crate to reassure him that you’re there., so there are different ways to calm down the situation.
Importance of training
Since they will become high energy dog, or maybe they already are as a newborn, implementing proper training techniques is the first thing to do. If you are not sure what to do, from potty training to obedience training, be sure to consult a professional.
A good introduction is needed so start from basic commands and go up the scale. Every specific breed reacts differently to acquiring new knowledge and tricks, so be patient. Although, you should see some pretty good emotions while working with german shepherd puppies and adult dogs.
Daily walks are the right thing to do. Just be careful not to take your a few week old baby german shepherd to a point where he feels insecure. After all, he needs to have a good time to be learning the best way.
Use rewards when recognizing their best behavior. Although you will see their behavior change from time to time, a calm shepherd is an important milestone in raising your baby german shepherd.
Although professionals always recommend having a safe distance between your dog and curious strangers, you will soon see that they are just small babies no matter how big and strong bodies they have.
Beginning of socialization
The first thing you need to say to yourself is: “I need to take care of my shepherd like my baby.” Every newborn baby has different needs so patience is needed to understand each other.
When going out for the first time, try short daily walks in a familiar neighborhood and slowly expand your circle of the walking day by day.
Their protective nature will soon come to the surface as he will always be around family members. Although, they will use their baby teeth just for the game at this stage.
To conclude, the first days with a new dog aren’t easy. There is so much you have to learn. There is even more you have to teach your dog. Sometimes it will seem too hard to handle, but it is all worth the work when you get to see their best features.
But, don’t despair, don’t be discouraged. It will take time, but it will also get easier. Just like you need time to adjust, your new dog needs it, too.
So, don’t be hard on yourself or your puppy. Follow my tips and have fun. I am sure you will be the best dog parent for this popular dog.