The dogs cheerful countenance radiates happiness, eager to please and receive affection.
Yet, it’s hard to fathom why someone would forsake her cruelly – frightened, shivering, and tied to a pole in Malden, Massachusetts’ Trafton Park.
This unfortunate soul, now affectionately known as Big Momma, was discovered on the cold night of December 14, whimpering and screeching for help while tethered to a pole.
Kevin Alkins, Malden police’s animal control officer, described the heart-wrenching scene, emphasizing that Big Momma had a massive, 13-pound tumor on her belly.
A compassionate Samaritan brought her to the attention of Malden police, and local kennel owner Bill Bowdridge extended a helping hand. Recalling the distressing sight, Bowdridge stated,
“It was the first dog I’ve ever witnessed that cried real tears, and the more we wiped, the more the tears came. It would break anybody’s heart.”

Crowdsourcing efforts raised funds for extensive surgery, revealing a stroke of luck – the tumor was benign, and the approximately two-year-old mastiff was in good health otherwise.
Currently under the fostering care of Bowdridge, owner of Big Daddy Doggie Daycare, Big Momma has undergone a remarkable transformation. Bowdridge shared,
“She’s not the same dog. Being with us now, she lays on her back with all four legs in the air.”
Simultaneously, the search is on for the person responsible for abandoning her in the park.
Alkins suspects careful planning on the culprit’s part, asserting, “We do not believe it was a Malden resident.” To combat instances of animal cruelty like this, the Animal Rescue League has initiated an animal cruelty task force in neighboring Suffolk County.
Highlighting the severity of such acts, Malden Police Officer Lt. Alan Borgal emphasized, “It is a felony in Massachusetts to abandon a dog.
This is a violation of the Mass. cruelty law.” In response to rising abuse cases in Middlesex County, Borgal noted increased collaboration and communication between counties to address the issue effectively.
In closing, Bowdridge reassured Big Momma of the caring community surrounding her, pledging, “Just kinda told her no one was ever gonna leave her again. Not on my watch.”
For anyone with information about the individual responsible for abandoning Big Momma, please contact Malden police at 781-397-7171 or the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Law Enforcement Department at 617-426-9170, ext. 110.