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Can Dogs Eat Scallops? Here’s The Answer

Can Dogs Eat Scallops? Here’s The Answer

It’s already widely known that not all human food is safe for dogs. In some cases, it can even be dangerous, or fatal. However, in some cases it can be perfectly safe, or even healthy. Some types of fish or seafood, for example, can be the perfect option for dogs with an allergy to chicken. But what about scallops. Can dogs eat scallops? Here’s the answer.

Can dogs eat scallops?

The short answer is – yes! Scallops are for the most part safe and even healthy for dogs. However, there are a few things that you need to consider.

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First of all, you will have to cook the scallops before giving them to your dog. Also, it’s super important not to add any herbs or spices to them. While scallops are fine on their own, seasonings such as onion or garlic powder could be dangerous for dogs. And even salt in excessive amounts can harm your dog’s health.

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Even if your intentions are pure, dog owners still make mistakes when it comes to feeding their dogs. And giving your dog food that is rich in seasoning and sodium is definitely one of the most common ones. Some of those mistakes could even lead you to the emergency. So it’s always better to be safe than sorry and inform yourself about the possible dangers.

Are scallops healthy for dogs?

Now that we cleared up that dogs in fact can eat scallops, let’s discuss if scallops are actually healthy for canines.

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Scallops are rich in nutrients that are good for our dogs. They are a great source of magnesium, protein and potassium. Magnesium is a mineral that isn’t only important for the health of your dog’s nervous system and muscles, but also helps your dog to absorb other vitamins and minerals better. Potassium helps your dog’s overall health but is especially important for the nerve function. And proteins are a crucial element of every dog’s diet.

Can scallops be dangerous for dogs?

Generally speaking, scallops are not toxic for dogs and they are considered to be safe for dogs to eat.

However, they are a few precautions that you’ll have to make. Firstly, the scallops have to be fully cooked. You shouldn’t ever feed them to your dog raw. Don’t confuse “cooked” for “fried” either. Fried scallops aren’t safe for dogs as well as they contain s lot of fat. Consuming a lot of fat over a longer period of time can cause pancreatitis in dogs. It can also lead to less serious conditions such as an upset stomach or weight gain.

So make sure that you always cook the scallops before feeding them to your dog. And also never add seasoning, herbs, oil, butter, herbs or salt to them. All of those could potentially be dangerous for your pup, even if they’re aren’t harmful to you.

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And finally, just with like any other food — moderation is key. If your dog never ate scallops before, start slow. Give him only a small portion so that he can get used to them. Then see if your dog will show any symptoms of stomach discomfort such as gas, diarrhea or constipation.


Dogs absolutely can eat scallops! They can be a great source of protein for all dogs who are suffering from a chicken allergy. And scallops aren’t only rich in protein but in other nutrients too, which only adds to the benefits.

However, one important rule to follow is to never feed your dog raw or seasoned scallops.

Always make sure to cook the scallops, and keep them plain. That way they will make an amazing and healthy meal for your canine.

Never fry the scallops as the additional oil and grease can also be problematic for dogs.

If you follow these instructions your dog will be more than fine eating them.

My name is Katy and I am 27. I love to travel and you would be surprised how good I am at karaoke. 🙂 Passionate dog lover and a "mother" to a beautiful toy puddle named Zara. I work as a volunteer in a local shelter and I am a veterinary assistant helping our four-legged friends every day.