We humans love to share some delicious snacks with our four-legged friends. This goes for fruits and vegetables too! Blackberries for example, are a very popular summer fruit. We often have them in our fridge and love snacking on them, using them in cakes or smoothies. However, can dogs have blackberries? Can dog owners actually, without any worry, share blackberries with their dogs?
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In this article, we will clean up the air for all blackberry fans and see if it’s a good idea to feed our beloved dogs fresh blackberries. Because as you probably already know, some of our favorite treats like peanut butter, grapes, raisins, can be a health hazard for our pups and even lead to serious medical conditions such as kidney failure. But let’s see how healthy or dangerous blackberries really are for our sweet pups.
Can dogs have blackberries?
The short answer is yes, dogs can have blackberries but in moderation. Generally speaking, unlike other fruits, blackberries are low in calories and sugar, so you don’t have to feel bad when you give some to your dog! Besides this blackberries are also packed with many health benefits.
But before talking why blackberries are good or bad for our dogs, we want to remind you on the importance of your dog getting his daily nutrients by his regular dog food diet. Different fruits and vegetables can be an occasional snack, however, they are not the main source of nutrients for our canines. You just aren’t supposed to feed such large amounts of them to your pup. So before giving out snacks to your pup, make sure that he is getting all he needs from his regular dog-food diet.
Health benefits of blackberries
As mentioned above, blackberries are full of nutrients and are very beneficial for your and your dog’s health. There are incredibly healthy and delicious, which makes it easy to see why they are so loved not only by us humans but by dogs as well. And when our dogs see how much we enjoy eating them, they can’t help themselves but also want to eat a few as well. But should we ignore their adorable puppy eyes, or give in and give them a few?
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Blackberries are incredibly healthy and full of nutrients. They contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant found in purple, blue, or red foods. It fights free radicals and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Besides this, it reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer and improves brain function! Sounds pretty promising, right?
These fruits also contain a lot of fiber which can help with gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation or diarrhea. But a lot of fiber can also have negative effects on your dog’s digestive system, and cause gas build-up. That’s why it’s so important to keep everything in moderation.
Blackberries are filled up with different nutrients, and as a fruit, they have one of the highest amounts of Vitamin C. Of course, it depends on which type of blackberries we are talking about. For example, wild blackberries are even richer in vitamins than regular ones! Blackberries are packed with vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, E, and K! These support the following:

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- Building the immune system
- Synthesizing hormones
- Activating enzymes
- Metabolizing food
- Encouraging growth
- Reducing inflammation
- Increasing energy levels
Besides vitamins, blackberries contain omega-3 fatty acids which are crucial for a shiny coat, healthy skin, and strong teeth! All of these nutrients are necessary for a healthy life and body, however, there are other sources besides blackberries that your dog could get them from.
Dangers of blackberries
It’s a fact that blackberries are healthy and beneficial for us and dogs, however, these fruits can still cause some problems for your dog if too many are consumed. Just like with any other type of food, moderation is key. Make sure you are not giving your dog too much of anything, besides too much of love and cuddles!
Diarrhea, gastrointestinal upset, lack of appetite, lethargy and vomiting are only some of the side effects your dog might experience due to consuming too many blackberries. The symptoms will also depend on the types of blackberries you feed your dog, as wild berries could even lead to more serious symptoms.
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Besides this, blackberries contain a minuscule amount of the substitute sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. This sweetener is also found in peanut butter, which is why dogs should never eat peanut butter that is not 100% natural. Xylitol poisoning is a medical emergency and requires immediate help from a veterinarian expert.
In addition to that, don’t forget that our dogs often forget to chew their food. Especially small food such as berries. Therefore, they could also be a choking hazard. Especially for small dogs. You can cut up the berries or give your dog only smaller ones to lower the risks of choking.
Conclusion: Should I feed my dog blackberries?
Yes, you can feed blackberries to your dog. They are perfectly safe for dogs to eat. They add a lot of nutritional benefits, including plenty of vitamins, and high fiber content. However, never go overboard with the number of blackberries you give your dog. Just a small handful of blackberries once in a while are completely enough! A massive quantity of blackberries has too much fiber, which could cause an upset stomach and even harm your pet health.
In addition to that, always remember that you don’t HAVE to feed blackberries to your dog. They are a healthy treat, but a regular dogs diet should bring all the nutrients that your pup needs. Small amounts of human food every now and then are fine to give our canine companions, but rather invest in buying them high-quality kibble.