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Newfypoo: The Adorable Hybrid

Newfypoo: The Adorable Hybrid

Have you heard about the Newfypoo dog? These dogs are the definition of a giant, living teddy bear. They are huge, fluffy and absolutely adorable! However, they also have quite the attitude.

The Newfypoo is a crossbreed between the Newfoundland and a Poodle. Just like any other mix breed, the Newfypoo can inherit characteristics of any of his parent breeds.

As both of the parent breeds are large and intelligent dog breeds, the Newfypoo is going to inherit those traits as well. However, there are by no means low maintenance. You will have to devote a lot of patience, time and energy into raising a Newfypoo puppy.

However, Newfypoos can also widely differ from one another. Just like with any other designer breed, you can never be completely sure what you are going to get.

Newfoundland Poodle Mix

The Newdle is a crossbreed dog. It’s a cross between a Newfoundland and a Poodle. As a result, they may inherit characteristics from either of their parents.

That also why they can be rather different from one another. You’ll never know what a puppy is like until he or she is an adult!

The term “designer dogs” has sparked some debate. These are canines that are the result of cross-breeding two separate breeds. This isn’t a new occurrence. The majority of today’s purebred dogs were formerly designer dogs.

Purebred canines, on the other hand, were inbred with other dogs of their breed over time, eventually giving rise to all of the dog breeds we know and love today.

Because of this inbreeding, many purebred dogs suffer from health issues. As they come from a larger gene pool, hybrid dogs are frequently healthier than purebred dogs.

Because it is a recent mixed breed, there are currently no kennel clubs that recognize it. The Dog Registry of America and the International Designer Canine Registry, on the other hand, recognize them.

Let’s learn a bit more about the parent dogs in order to understand this cross better too.

Newfoundland Dog

Newfoundland dogs, sometimes known as Newfies, were developed to assist fishermen. They are natural swimmers with webbed feet to aid in their movement through the water.

These dogs have been utilized in many water rescues and are powerful enough to save people from drowning. They can also pull nets to shore and assist fishermen at sea.

Seaman, a notable Newfoundlander, was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. On the journey, he was utilized as a hunting and security dog, and he saved many lives.

The Newfoundland Boatswain, created by Lord Byron, is equally well-known and has his own statue in England.

Because of their gentle demeanor, these dogs are known as “gentle giants.”


The Poodle is France’s national dog. They were raised to retrieve ducks, and much of their anatomy has been tailored to this task.

For example, their fur is meant to keep them warm in chilly water. They are excellent swimmers as well as being incredibly bright.

Because the Poodle is an ancient breed, no one knows when it was created.

Due of their unusual coat and trainability, the Poodle eventually caught the attention of aristocracy. They are natural entertainers who have also been utilized in circuses.

The breed was eventually bred down to the Miniature Poodle. The Toy Poodle was developed in the United States in the early 20th century.

Aside from size, all Poodles are the same. They are bred to the same standards and share a lot of personality traits.

Generations of the Newfypoo

To be clear, the Newfypoo/Newfiedoodle we’ve been discussing up to this point is the regular, or Standard, size. We do know, however, that many other Doodles exist in a variety of sizes due to the Poodle varieties: Teacup, Toy, Miniature, Medium, Standard, and Giant.

Newfypoos aren’t like that, and I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain why! The mechanics would undoubtedly be a little… umm… difficult. People, on the other hand, adore miniatures, and breeders have been working hard to ensure that this is the case with Newfiedoodles as well.

A female Newfoundland and a male miniature Poodle, or any variety of Newfypoos with a miniature Poodle, produces the miniature Newfie. The full-grown mini Newfypoo measures 18-21 inches tall and weighs 35-65 pounds, making it slightly larger than other mini Doodles.

You should be skeptical of breeders who claim to have Teacup Newfiedoodles. If animals could ever be bred this small, they’d almost certainly develop serious health problems as a result.

Aside from the physical differences, different generations of Newfypoo are beginning to emerge, as follows:

1. A Newfoundland parent and a Poodle parent make up an F1 Newfypoo. (50 percent Poodle, 50 percent Newfoundland)
2. A Newfypoo parent and an original breed parent – commonly a Poodle – make up an F1B or first-generation backcross Newfypoo. (Newfoundland 25 percent, Poodle 75 percent)
3. An F1BB Newfypoo is a first-generation backcross backcross Newfypoo with a Poodle parent. (Newfoundland 12.5 percent, Poodle 87.5 percent)
4. Two F1 Newfypoo parents make up an F2 Newfypoo (50 percent Newfoundland, 50 percent Poodle)
5. An F2B Newfypoo has a Poodle parent and an F2 Newfypoo parent. (Newfoundland 25 percent, Poodle 75 percent)
6. One F2BB Newfypoo has a Poodle parent and an F2B Newfypoo parent. (Newfoundland 12.5 percent, Poodle 87.5 percent)
7. An F3 Newfypoo can result from a variety of pairings, the most common of which is two F1B Newfypoo. This is a Multigen Newfypoo, or third-generation Newfypoo.

Newfypoo History 

When it comes to designer dogs, knowing the actual origin of each individual breed is not always easy. The reason for this is that many of these crossbreeds have been around for a long time, although as unintentional litters of purebred dogs mating. In general, a designer dog’s beginning may be traced back to the period when breeders began deliberately cultivating the combination. The Newfoundland and Poodle hybrid, for example, was presumably created to develop a new breed that was versatile, friendly, and extroverted, with the possibility of a low-shedding coat. We can’t be certain, but that appears to be the most likely motivation for this dog.

While we may not know everything there is to know about the Newfypoo’s origins, the history of designer dogs in general teaches us a lot. The Newfypoo is most likely a designer crossbreed from the United States that first appeared in the last 20 years. Beyond that, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly where this breed originated.


A Newfypoo is a mix of a purebred Newfoundland and a Poodle. These designer dogs are usually a 50-50 blend of the two parental breeds, making them a first generation hybrid. This is the most frequent form of designer dog, and it is often distinguished by high health and a variety of features.

There will be some variances amongst the puppies because the mom and dad of these crossbreed puppies are not identical. Some may inherit the Poodle’s narrower nose and curlier coat, for example. Others, like their Newfie dad, may have large, teddy-bear-like heads. Even between littermates, variations can be seen. For the breed, there is no consistency or fixed standard. That’s just how hybrid designer dogs are. They can be unexpected, especially if their parents are as dissimilar as a Newfoundland and a Poodle.

Many breeders, on the other hand, are attempting to produce a set of qualities that will be necessary of every Newfypoo. This can be accomplished by multigenerational crossing, in which the fraction of each parent breed fluctuates depending on which qualities are desired. More Poodles in the gene pool, for example, could result in a hypoallergenic coat, while more Newfoundlanders could result in a working dog. Breeders in Newfypoos are currently attempting to establish these types of criteria. Someday, there may be a predictable Newfypoo, but for now, it’s a bit of a guessing game. However, one thing is certain. Your Newfypoo is going to be adorable. That is a proven fact.


Like we already said — these dogs are HUGE! However, their frame can either be sleek and elegant, like the one of a poodle. Or it can be a bit more bulky. This will depend on the genes they inherit.

They usually weigh somewhere between 70 to 150 pounds (32 to 68 kg). So you can bet that they will be large!

They are pretty tall too! Somewhere between 22 to 30 inches tall (56 to 76 cm). This two will depend on the genes they inherit and on which parent breed they take after more.

When it comes to their coat, Newfypoos can have a variation of different coats. It can be a dense, curly coat or even straight. In most cases their coat will be somewhere in between.

When it comes to shedding — that two will depend on the genes. Some of them don’t shed, while others definitely will.

That’s why it’s impossible to say if a Newfypoo will be hypoallergenic or not. So don’t buy one of these dogs assuming they for sure will be hypoallergenic or low-shedding.

These dogs come in many different colors. Black, brown, and grey are all ubiquitous. However, white, pied, cream, blue, red, and silver are possible as well.

Personality and temperament 

Personality wise a Newfypoo will live up to their nicknames “gentle giants”. They are quite the sweethearts! If trained properly, these dogs will be calm, friendly and all around well-rounded dogs.

They tend to be people pleasing dogs which makes them fairly easy to train. However, due to the fact that they are also highly intelligent, they can also be pretty stubborn.

In most cases they will do whatever they can to make their family happy. Also, know that these dogs are meant for warm and cozy home conditions. They are by no means outdoor dogs.

Most commonly, they will get along with children pretty well. They often have the calm and patient temperament of the Newfoundland, which makes them perfect family dogs. They are eager to please you and love your attention.

Even though their aren’t aggressive and definitely don’t look intimidating — they make great watchdogs. They are alert and will notice any weird sounds before you do. But it’s still a good idea to socialize them early.

Are Newfypoos good family dogs?

The Newfoundland dog breed has a long history of family protection. Because of their gentle and pleasant disposition, they’re frequently described as ideal family dogs. They are sometimes compared to a large teddy bear and get along well with youngsters. This family-friendly feature is likely to be inherited by a Newfypoo.

Having said that, we never recommend leaving a Newfypoo alone with children when they are present. It’s also a good idea to teach kids how to interact with and handle the Newfoundland Poodle cross.

Sophie highlighted why, based on her experiences with Alfie so far, the hybrid breed makes such wonderful family companions.

Because of their gentleness and loyalty, Newfypoos make ideal family pets. It’s merely their size and the accommodations that are a problem.

How do they get along with other pets?

If socialized as puppies, the Newfypoo can get along well with other dogs. They may grow violent against other dogs in public if they do not given the opportunity to learn how to meet and welcome other canines while they are still young. To ensure that these dogs get along with other dogs as adults, they should be taken to public dog parks, introduced to friends’ dogs, and taught how to confidently and gently stroll past other dogs while on a leash in public while still puppies.

If exposed to family cats as soon as they arrive home for the first time, they can get along easily. A controlled introduction should occur, and some training may be required to ensure that the dog understands not to chase after the cat. Your dog and cat will most likely be snuggling and playing together on a regular basis before you know it.

Caring for a Newfypoo


Because they are intelligent and eager to please, these dogs are more likely to obey your directions. You might be amazed at how quickly and simply a Newfypoo can be trained. In comparison to other breeds, these dogs require less repetition to teach.

Positive training approaches, on the other hand, must be used, and training and socializing should begin as soon as feasible. If you wait too long to properly train your dog, you’ll end up with behavioral issues. As a result, it’s best to begin training them as soon as possible. Encouragement and rewards should always be at the first choice.

Because Newfypoos are enormous and hefty when fully grown, it is critical to train your dog how to walk properly on a leash. This will ensure that you have complete control over your pet while out strolling. Train your dog not to yank on his leash or suddenly stop walking while you’re still strolling. If you don’t take care of it, it could lead to a slew of issues down the road.

Crate training your Newfypoo, who should enter his kennel at your command, is also a smart idea. You can start by saying something like “kennel” and then putting your dog in the crate. Leave a few treats in there before locking it, then wait a few minutes before releasing your dog and lavishing praise on him.

Because Newfypoos are intelligent, you may teach them to do a variety of tricks, such as giving you a high five. Positive reinforcement and treats as rewards can help your dog learn to obey commands. It’s incredible what these dogs can learn, so have fun with it.


The Newfypoo, like other dogs, will thrive on high-quality dry food. The kibble you choose, however, must be prepared with high-quality natural components and tailored to fulfill their specific requirements.

It’ll normally be a large dog breed formula for energetic dogs that’s also appropriate for their age group (puppy, adult, senior). If you have any doubts about whether your kibble is providing your Newfypoo’s nutritional demands, you should always consult with your veterinarian.

Manufacturers of dog food can give you a fair idea of which breeds will benefit the most from their kibble, but every dog is unique. The only way to know for sure that your dog is getting the nutrients he or she requires is to follow the advise of a veterinarian who is familiar with your pet.

Newfypoos are large canines with a reputation for being voracious eaters. You can feed your dog between 4 and 6 cups of dry food every day, separated into multiple feeding times. You should keep an eye on the amount of food you feed your dog to avoid him getting overweight or obese, as a Newfypoo can eat a lot of food.


The Newfypoo is a breed with a lot of energy. They love frequent walks and activities, despite not being hyperactive. Newfypoos need get at least 60 minutes of strenuous activity per day in order to be healthy.

This breed enjoys going for walks and runs, as well as swimming and other aquatic activities. Keep in mind that too much leaping and playing might cause joint damage in young Newfypoos.

To avoid them becoming overly enthusiastic with their playing, it’s best to tire them out with low-impact activities like walking or swimming.

Daily activity, such as hikes and walks, as well as plenty of playing, are beneficial to Newfypoos. This will help to keep your dog emotionally and physically fit. Long-distance running is not recommended for these dogs.

Your Newfypoo will benefit from outside playtime and other activities that let him to stretch his muscles and release his energy if you have a safe and enclosed backyard.

Allowing them to burn off all of their excess energy in a backyard is a good alternative if you can’t provide a nice hearty walk on any given day.


Newfypoo grooming shouldn’t be too hard. Their coat is incredibly soft, absolutely stunning, and requires significantly less maintenance than the coat of his parents. Yet it does suffer from the same issues.

Regular grooming is required for all dogs, regardless of coat type. This is especially true if they have inherited the Poodle curly, wiry coat. Dirt and dead hair can quickly become entangled, causing knots, tangles, and matting. Daily brushing is suggested for this coat, with at least two deep sessions per week.

Brush your dog three to four times a week with one deep groom if he has a straight or wavy coat. To keep these coats in good shape and manageable, they may need to be trimmed on a regular basis.

Avoid breeders that say their puppies are 100% hypoallergenic. Poodles have ‘hypoallergenic traits,’ which they normally pass on to their offspring. However, as this is a crossbreed, you can never be completely sure.

You should check your dog’s ears every week and clean them with a cotton ball soaked in a cleanser recommended by your veterinarian. Your dog may have an ear infection if the inside of the ear smells bad, looks red, or hurts.

Brush your dog’s teeth at least two or three times a week to get rid of tartar and the bacteria that live inside it, which can cause bad breath.

Trim your dog’s nails once or twice a month if they don’t wear off on their own. Short, well-trimmed nails keep the feet in good shape and keep your wooden floor from getting scratched.


While every crossbreed is usually healthier than their parent purebred dogs, Newfypoos still have some health concerns and possible health problems.

The most common ones include:

  1. Cataracts. An eye condition in which the retina becomes cloudy making your dog’s vision blurry. This can cause bad eyesight, which can sometimes worsen to blindness.
  2. Canine Hip Dysplasia. Hip dysplasia happens when the joint does not form correctly, which causes the ball and socket to rub against each other and slowly erode. This causes pain and can affect mobility.
  3. Sebaceous Adenitis. It is a skin disease caused when the immune system attacks specific glands found in a dog’s hair follicle. This can lead to hair loss and skin lesions in severe cases.
  4. Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis. A heart condition in which the aortic valve negatively impacts the heart’s ability to supply the body with blood. Symptoms include fatigue, breathing difficulty, and fainting.

Newfypoos usually live to be around 9-12 years old. For canines that are on the larger side, this is a good length of time. To maintain your dog at its best, provide them high-quality food (but not too much), and make sure they get lots of exercise and frequent vet visits.

Most common health issues

Some disease that these dogs are prone to require a more in depth explanation. So let’s talk about them a little bit more in detail.

Hip Dysplasia

Canine hip dysplasia occurs when the hip joint becomes unstable as a result of both developmental and environmental factors. Vizslas are prone to this bone and joint disorder. The femur does not meet the pelvic bone appropriately, causing the bones to wear out prematurely.

Later in life, your dog may develop arthritis, which can be excruciatingly painful. This ailment shows itself as a peculiar walk, shaky posture, or limping, all of which are plainly seen in your beautiful pup. To preserve your dog’s quality of life, discuss care with your veterinarian as soon as feasible.


Allergies to pollen, mold, and dust cause people to sneeze. Instead of sneezing, allergies in dogs produce itching. Atopy is a name used to describe a common skin allergy in these puppies. The feet, tummy, skin wrinkles, and ears are the most commonly affected locations. Symptoms normally emerge between the ages of one and three, and they can get worse as time goes on. Licking the paws, stroking the face, and recurring ear infections are the most prevalent allergy symptoms. The good news is that these diseases can be treated in a number of different ways.


In older canines, cataracts are a common cause of blindness. The lenses of his eyes become more opaque—in other word, hazy rather than clear. Many dogs adapt well to losing their vision and live happily ever after. Surgical removal of cataracts and restoration of vision may also be a possibility.

Bloat or Dilatation Volvulus

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or Bloat) is a condition that affects dogs with deep, narrow chests. This indicates that your dog is more vulnerable than other breeds. The stomach twists on itself and fills with gas when a dog bloats. The twisting cuts off the stomach’s and sometimes the spleen’s blood flow. If left untreated, the sickness can kill your dog in as little as 30 minutes. Your dog may retch or heave (but nothing comes out), be agitated, have an enlarged abdomen, or lie in a prayer position (front feet down, rear end up). Preventive surgery, which involves tacking or suturing the stomach in place so that it does not twist, is a possibility.

Newfypoo FAQ

What is the life expectancy of a Newfypoo?

Newfypoos usually live to be around 9-12 years old. For canines that are on the larger side, this is a good length of time. To maintain your dog at its best, provide them high-quality food (but not too much), and make sure they get lots of exercise and frequent vet visits.

How much exercise do Newfypoos need?

The Newfypoo is an energetic dog who enjoys being outside. The hybrid breed requires about 60 minutes of daily activity. Newfypoo will appreciate water sports such as swimming because both breeds have a history of working in the water. Exercising in the water can also assist to relieve joint strain.

Do they make good family dogs?

Newfoundlands make wonderful family pets since they are generally kind to all people, animals, and children. They will like accompanying you on outdoor experiences and will be there for you at home. However, keep an eye on little children in the house because they may sweep them off their feet without even trying.

Is there such a thing as a Mini Newfypoo?

For many Doodle fans, Mini Doodles are a popular choice. They have all of the advantages of larger breeds in a compact, apartment-friendly size. However, due to the Newfoundland’s size, breeding smaller variants is difficult, and they are not as common as standard-sized Newfies. If you’re serious about getting one, make sure you go with a trustworthy breeder. If not bred carefully, small dogs can acquire a variety of health issues.

Are they good children and other pets?

Newfypoos are a large-breed crossbreed dog that thrives in a home with plenty of room. Not to mention active owners who can give them all the attention, exercise, and care they require. They get along well with children and other pets, and they are frequently devoted to their family. Bringing one of these gentle giants into your home may provide you with more than you expected – more dog, more work, and, most importantly, much more love.

Do Newfypoos shed?

Some do, while others do not. As previously said, it all depends on the coat type of the Poofoundland and the features acquired from their parents.

Some will have a Poodle-like coat, while others will have a Newfoundland-style straight coat. Some people shed a small amount of hair, while others shed a lot.

Do they bark?

Newfypoos aren’t known for being particularly noisy, especially when compared to mixes that include breeds like Huskies!

Newfiedoodles, on the other hand, are devoted and affectionate dogs who create close ties with their owners. They are prone to separation anxiety as a result of this.

When a dog is left alone for an extended period of time, it might develop harmful tendencies such as barking. And, as a mix of enormous and giant breeds, you should expect a lot of barking.

Do Newfypoo dogs drool?

Most people will drool a little. They will not, however, slobber as much as a Newfoundland. Some may just drill a small amount of material. It’s possible that you won’t even notice.

Others, on the other hand, may drool a little. However, none of these dogs will drool excessively.

Buying a Newfypoo puppy

In most cases, you may anticipate to pay between $1,400 and $2,000 for Newfypoo. The price of these dogs might vary greatly because they are a newer breed.

The cost of a Newfypoo varies according on its coat and gender. Dogs with wavy or curly coats are usually more expensive since they are in higher demand. Mini Newfypoos are much more expensive.

These smaller canines are referred to as “miniature” Newfypoos by certain breeders. However, the size of a puppy is primarily a matter of luck and the size of his parents.

You can’t predict how big a dog will grow solely by looking at its starting size. Naturally, the majority of little puppies will grow up to be small. However, this isn’t always the case.

Females can be more expensive than males in some cases, however this is usually dependent on the breeder.


There are a lot of Newfypoo breeders around. As the popularity of these dogs grows, more breeders are expected to emerge.

We recommend looking for local breeders first, as transporting puppies over vast distances can be difficult and expensive.

Prize Poodles & Doodles, for example, is a breeder that produces high-quality puppies. Another related breeder is Newfiedoodle.

There is no organization that currently gathers the names of all breeders. As a result, the best approach to locate a local breeder is to use Google and any social networking platform you like.


Newfypoos may appear in your local animal shelter or rescue from time to time. It’s a good idea to tell these groups what kind of dog you’re looking for so they can contact you when one becomes available.

The Newf Rescue and the NCA National Rescue Network are two breed-specific rescue organizations. Caroline Poodle Rescue and the Poodle Rescue site are also good sources for Poodle-specific rescues.

If these rescues service your area, you might be able to find the type of dog you’re looking for.

Caring for Newfypoo puppies

Newfypoo pups are cute, but because they are little, you should treat them gently to avoid damage. Like any other breed, these dogs need be socialized and taught from an early age. As a result, kids will grow up to be joyful, self-assured, and social adults.

Remember that socializing is a good place to start and a doorway to a happy, healthy dog – and owner! If you don’t socialize your puppy early on, you run the chance of him developing negative behavioral issues later on, such as aggression, anxiety, fear, and other disorders. To avoid this, begin introducing your puppy to different dogs, people, and youngsters as soon as possible.

That barrier is overcome with plenty of social interaction while they are still learning about the world and receptive to new experiences, allowing your puppy to grow into a healthy adult dog who is at ease in a variety of situations and environments.

Is a Newfypoo a good choice for me?

Newfypoos are loyal and intelligent companions. They can learn a variety of commands and are generally pleasant to practically everyone.

These dogs, on the other hand, need a lot of upkeep. They require a lot of activity and require a lot of maintenance.

As a result, they are best suited for families with plenty of spare time to devote to their care. They can, however, be an excellent dog for families with spare time.

A Newfypoo’s Ideal Environment

Given their huge size, it’s no surprise that these dogs flourish when they have enough room to exercise and spread out. This means that they prefer to live in houses with yards, as many apartments are too small for their large frames.

They also perform better in regions where it doesn’t get too hot—their fur keeps them warm in the winter, but too much heat might cause them to overheat.

A Newfypoo’s ideal human

This breed requires someone who has the time and energy to spend to training, exercising, and socializing with them. They require someone who is committed to keeping them physically fit and mentally well through a variety of activities, games, and hugs (of course).

Though they aren’t the best jogging partners, they do enjoy swimming, so someone who could help them schedule some regular water time would be ideal.

Not for new owners

The Newfypoo also necessitates some patience. They dig a lot, and their oily coat can leave stains on the walls and furnishings.

This breed has extensive grooming requirements that can take a long time to complete. To summarize, this is a beautiful dog to own – but it is not simple!

Newfypoo owners should carefully assess the breed’s requirements for care, as well as the potential health risks.

Food alone for a Newfypoo can easily exceed $50 per month, so that should be included in.

If you’re willing to put up with all of the Newfypoo’s drawbacks and can devote the time and affection necessary to properly care for the dog, the Newfypoo can be a wonderful companion!

Three facts about the Newfypoo

Here are some fascinating facts about this crossbreed dog:

1. They go by a variety of names

Newfypoos aren’t the only name given to these dogs. Newfoundlanddoodles, Newfydoos, Newfydoodles, and Newdles are other names for them. The name is determined by the individual’s choices as well as online and offline community trends.

2. They enjoy swimming

The average Newfypoo enjoys being in the water. It can be difficult to keep this designer breed away from water, whether it is a small plastic kiddie pool in the backyard, an in-ground pool in your community, a lake, a river, or the ocean. Swimming, fortunately, is a good source of exercise for this breed.

3. They can be difficult to maintain

While these dogs don’t shed much, their thick coats can become tangled and matted if they aren’t properly groomed. Even brushing the coat might be difficult. As a result, many owners prefer to have their Newfypoos groomed professionally for convenience.

While you’re here, why not learn about other dog breeds as well: 

My name is Katy and I am 27. I love to travel and you would be surprised how good I am at karaoke. 🙂 Passionate dog lover and a "mother" to a beautiful toy puddle named Zara. I work as a volunteer in a local shelter and I am a veterinary assistant helping our four-legged friends every day.