The winter season is here and while most of us are curled up in blankets with out beloved pets, thousands of dogs are out on the streets just trying to survive! Are you a dog lover? Huh, we suppose you are because here you are reading this. So what are you going to do this winter season to help a stray dog?
The New Year is approaching us, and as cheesy as it is — let’s make some New Years resolutions. We here at “The Goldens Club” want to make sure that as many stray dogs as possible are taken care of. If you are unsure how to do that, we have an article all about “How to help a stray dog”. But, before you click on that link, let us explain what we have in mind.

Our vision
A harsh and cold winter is right around the corner and we are afraid for the safety and well being of stray dogs all over the world. Wouldn’t it be scary to know you have no shelter from the snow or guaranteed food or water? We don’t even want to think about how many of them may freeze to death. That thought is pretty unbearable. And we know that it’s pretty painful for you to think about that too.
So why don’t we start a movement to make sure that at least a few stray dogs will be safe this winter season?
Get your friends and family involved and bring blankets, food and water to stray dogs in your area. Post a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #DogsWinterMovement and we will share it on our site.
How Can I Help?
If you are unsure how to fulfill the needs of a stray dog, make sure to read the article we linked above. But long story short: The most important thing that stray dogs need is shelter! They need protection from snow, rain and the cold in general. You can bring blankets, cardboard boxes or other things that can protect them.

Other things obviously include food and water. If the weather conditions are really harsh, chances are that water will freeze. Make sure to check regularly if they have water available.
And the most important thing — Contact your local shelter. There is always a chance that someone is looking for that dog. Look for a microchip or try to share his photo on social media to make sure that his owner isn’t looking for him at the moment.
Final words
#DogsWinterMovement is our way to try and motivate you to really go out there this winter season and help at least one stray dog. Trust us, there is also something in there for you — you will feel so good and fulfilled afterwards. But be sure that our whole community will also have a lot of praise for you. And we will make sure to share every one of your stories. So stay tuned and read all of the heartwarming stories that are just waiting to be shared. Don’t forget to use our hashtag, and we will make sure to share every one of them!