Were you lucky enough to ever meet a white Pitbull in real life? If the answer is yes, then you already know how special these dogs are. Many people don’t know that there are other rare color variants of the American Pit Bull terrier such as the Blue Nose Pitbull. However, it’s pretty rare to see a White Pit too. So if you want to learn more about them, you are at the right place. Ready? Let’s go!
What is a White Pitbull?
First what we want to know is ‘What is a White Pitbull?’. So, a White Pitbull is one whose base coat color and overall appearance are white and you could probably guess this. But, the term “White Pitbull” can refer to any member of the pit bull family, and it is usually associated with the American Pit Bull terrier.
The history of the American Pitbull Terrier can be traced back to 19th century Britain, where dogfighting was a prominent sport. Bulldogs and terriers are a British cross-breed recognized for their remarkable strength and fighting skills. These dogs were the Pitbull’s first forebears.
Despite the fact that dogfighting was later outlawed in the United Kingdom, the Pitbull’s forebears were imported to the United States, where good fighting dogs were in high demand.
The first Pitbull Terrier was much smaller than the one we know today. That’s because the American Pitbull Terrier’s progenitors were bred into even larger dogs once they arrived in the United States, resulting in the breed we know and love today. White Pitbulls have been a popular color choice since the breed’s inception.
The American Dog Breeders Association and the United Kennel Club accept pedigree Pitbulls as purebred canines. They’re also part of a bigger group of breeds that have a lot of similar characteristics and traits. This group also contains the American Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier, in addition to the Pitbull.
White Pitbull History
Now, we can quickly go through their history part. This could be something that you wouldn’t like since few dogs have a history as dark as the White Pittie. First off, these dogs were bred in Europe to compete in brutal fights with other animals. Fighting against bulls in pit-like arenas was how they got the name Pit Bull. Second, these dogs also competed against rats, bears, and other dogs in bloody deathmatches. Thankfully, these sports got banned after centuries of animal abuse.
To know what to expect from a white Pitbull, you must first grasp its history. The British loved dogfighting in the 19th century. Terriers and Bulldogs were crossed for their great fighting skills and strength. These are the ancestors of Pitbull. Despite the fact that the pastime was outlawed, their humans sailed them to America to continue it.
The biggest and most powerful canines were bred there to generate bigger dogs, and the result was the American Pitbull Terrier. His unjust reputation stems from his past of dogfighting and rat pitting. But, happily, he’s getting increasingly well-known and regarded as a household favorite. White Pitbulls have always existed, just like any other color Pittie. They’re only a little rarer than other Pitbull colors.

White Pitbull (Foto: Pixabay)
White Pitbull: Color Genetics Explained
Pitbulls have never been bred for their appearance, as previously stated. Previously, all coat colors were thought to be equal. As a result, there isn’t a lot of genetic research on the genotype of coat color in UKC and ADBA registered Pitbulls.
But if you want to know more about the genetics behind Pitbulls’ white colour, I’ll break it down for you.
Although DNA is not as simple as ABC, there are some broad processes that can explain some canine features. According to veterinarian Lynn Buzhard’s essay, canines’ coat color is determined by only two pigments: eumelanin (black) and phaeomelanin (white) (red).
Color, like several other dog features, is determined by genetic interference in melanin production.
The merle gene, in particular, can modify eumelanin synthesis and cause pigment dilution. The double merle gene prevents cells from producing black pigment.
As a result, it causes lighter eye colors, a pale complexion, and a white coat, whereas Albinism is caused by a complete lack of melanin.
Color loss is also caused by the other gene, known as the Piebald gene. It leads to the absence of melanocytes, or melanin-producing cells. Pitbulls with the piebald gene might have a completely white coat or a coat with black and white spots (piebald coat).
Lack of melanin also affects vision and hearing development, which is why dogs with primarily white coats are frequently targeted for health concerns.
Pitbulls with the Piebald gene are more common than those with the double merle gene. The dominance of these genes determines whether or not they will create solid white pups.
Leucism vs. Albinism
When it comes to white Pitbulls, you should also be aware of the terms albinism and leucism. It’s possible that the lovely white Pitbull you’re admiring is an albino Pittie rather than a pure white Pitbull. Albinism is associated with several health issues, so you’ll need to know how to spot them.
Albinism is a relatively rare genetic abnormality that affects all living creatures, including humans. The hair, skin, eyes, and blood vessels of an albino Pitbull will be completely devoid of color. Both parents must pass on the defective gene for a Pitbull to be albino. His body is unable to synthesize melanin due to the inheritance of two defective genes.
Between albino Pitbulls and genuine white Pitbulls, leucistic Pitbulls are caught in the middle. Because few people are aware of leucism, albino Pitbulls are frequently mistaken for leucistic Pitbulls. Their fur is devoid of melanin, yet they have very low pigmentation in all of their other features.
Because melanin controls more than just the color of the features, albino Pitbulls are sadly prone to a variety of health issues. Because of their health issues, they are also less likely to survive without a lot of help. Fortunately, there isn’t much of a correlation between leucism and other health issues.
So, how can you know whether a Pitbull is albino or leucistic? An albino Pitbull’s blood vessels are translucent, hence their eyes will be translucent or very light blue. Pitbulls with leucistic traits will have a richer pink coloration and significantly bluer eyes. Unfortunately, even professionals make mistakes from time to time, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to tell the difference without medical testing.
Is the White Pitbull recognized by Kennel Clubs?
Pitbulls were bred for their skills rather than their appearance at first. This explains the breed’s wide range of characteristics. However, in order to maintain the line’s integrity, certain requirements require uniformity.
In 1989, the United Kennel Club introduced the first standard. Except for merle, this standard allows any coat color. As a result, white is easily identifiable.
All coat colors are also accepted by the American Dog Breeders Association and the All American Dog Registry.
For the American Staffordshire Terrier, however, the American Kennel Club has a more stringent criterion. It accepts solid, parti, and patched coats, but does not recognize canines with more than 80% white coloration.
If you’re asking whether this has anything to do with the Pitbull, the answer is yes. The AKC used to call the American Pit Bull Terrier by another name, the American Staffordshire Terrier.
Despite the fact that they have been bred separately for over 50 years, they nevertheless have a lot in common. As a result, if they are registered as American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers can compete in UKC shows.
With the exception of the AKC, kennel groups generally recognize white Pitbulls. They are still qualified as long as they are free of albinism and other breed flaws.
Difference between White Pitbulls and regular Pitbulls
First, and the most obvious difference is the Pitbull’s coat color. White Pitbulls, as the name suggests, are entirely or predominantly white. Regular Pitbulls come in shades of black and fawn.
The white Pitbull stands out from the crowd when it comes to appearance. A purebred white Pitbull, however, has the same general characteristics as other Pitbulls, despite its appearance. It barely differs in a few areas other than its coat color.
Sun sensitivity, pricing, and genetic makeup are just a few of the characteristics that distinguish this dog.
White Pitbulls, particularly those with red noses, are more susceptible to sunlight because of their pale coat color. This raises the risk of skin damage and dog cancer. As a result, they must be walked and kept indoors in the shade.
White Pitbulls are in higher demand because they are more rare than their ordinary cousins. If you do decide to purchase one, keep in mind that it will be more expensive than the others. White is a rare and sought-after color in Pitbull, making it significantly costlier. White Pitbulls cost 2 to 3 times more than dark-colored Pitbulls.
Finally, the white Pitbulls have a unique genetic makeup that contributes to their partial pigmentation loss. They also have recessive features, making them ideal for breeding programs that want to increase the diversity of their offspring.
White coloring’s effects
Dogs with merle or white coats are predisposed to congenital deafness, according to the AKC Canine Health Foundation. Among these breeds are white Pitbulls.
So, what’s the connection between coat color and deafness? Hearing and pigmentation cells are derived from the same stem cell source.
The nerve terminals in the cochlea (inner ear) fade off when the skin is unpigmented. Because sensory hair cells are lost, nerve impulses are inhibited, and sounds cannot be transmitted to the brain.
Congenital deafness affects one or both ears and is generally noticed a few weeks after birth. However, this does not imply that all white Pitbulls are deaf; they are simply at a higher risk of inheriting the condition.
Meanwhile, the connection between blindness and white coats remains hazy. Pale irises are more likely than blindness due to a lack of pigmentation in their melanin.
White Pitbulls have pretty much the same personality as their regular counterparts when it comes to their behavior. A white pit is neither more aggressive nor less lovable than other coat hues.
When it comes to appearance, the white-colored Pitbull is virtually identical to any other Pitbull. His nose, lips, and other facial characteristics are usually black or dark brown. His eyes are usually brown or blue in color. But keep in mind that everything will hinge on the other genes he acquired from his parents.
A white Pitbull is a robust, stocky dog that ranges in size from medium dog to giant. He’ll stand between 17 and 21 inches tall and weigh 50 to 65 pounds. His white coat is short and smooth, and it is double-layered. Their coat takes relatively little care because it is so close to his body. His tail is long and slender, and he has a big, mischievous grin.
Pitbulls have a bad rep for being violent and aggressive, however this is not the case. Anyone who has spent time with a well-trained pitbull knows that they are one of the most loving and family-friendly dog breeds out there, as long as their basic needs are met.
They make great pets, but they’re also very good as working dogs, and they’re often used by police, search and rescue dogs, and drug and explosives detection dogs. Their strength, confidence, and vivacity are well-known. They are not more dangerous to humans than other dog breeds.
An organization called the American Temperament Test Society looked at more than 1,000 Pitbull Terriers and found that almost 90% of them passed the personality test, which is more than other dogs that are known for being good. To be honest, people think that because they are so friendly, they are good security dogs.
If you have a Pitbull dog, you will want to spend as much time with it as you can. When they are away from their owners, they may be very stressed out. This can make them feel stressed and do things like gnaw and dig.
They can be great friends with other dogs if you teach them how to be socialized as puppies. If you don’t spend a lot of time and effort with them from the start, they may not be able to trust other dogs or be violent towards them. Fear is what makes this dog angry, not a natural desire for violence.
Is the white Pitbull a good family dog?
Pitbull fights have a dismal and violent past. This is why they are still regarded as dangerous canines. However, this is now just a misunderstanding.
Pitbulls passed 86 percent of the temperament tests administered by the American Temperament Test Society.
They were found to be less aggressive than the Golden Retriever, Beagle, and Corgi in a variety of scenarios. As a result, the UKC claims that hostility against people is uncommon of the breed.
With this in mind, it is apparent that their fear-driven aggressiveness is nothing more than a myth. The white Pitbull, in the right hands, is a sweetheart.
Pitbulls are now known to be social, amiable, and devoted creatures. They enjoy being with their family as well as getting to know new individuals. This is why they make good nannydogs but lousy guard dogs.
When you get this dog, you’re signing up for constant cuddling and rolling over for belly rubs, among other things. They can be demanding, so give them plenty of attention.
They aren’t simply softness and snuggles, though. White Pitbulls have a high level of intelligence and agility. As a result, they need to practice their strength through sports and moderate exercise.
These canines are tough due to their dogfighting background. If you are not a strong-willed trainer, this can lead to their being stubborn.
White Pitbulls can be peaceful with other house dogs, but their buried instincts can still be activated if they are triggered. They aren’t the kind to start conflicts, but when they are, they don’t back down.
To unleash their best behavior, they, like many dogs, require socialization, consistent training, and obedience.
Caring for a white Pitbull
Pitbulls are rather simple to train, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Their tremendous levels of energy and power necessitate a little extra understanding and effort on your part. Because Pitbulls have a terrible reputation, it’s crucial to train a good ambassador for the breed so you can teach the rest of the world why they’re such lovely dogs.
If you’re getting a pitbull puppy, start training right away and make socializing a top priority.
As early as possible, make sure your Pitbull puppy is exposed to a range of people and settings. This entails introducing him to a diverse range of men, women, children, and animals. It’s also a good idea to get them used to being handled. This socialization effort will pay off in the long run.
Because of their muscular build, Pitbulls are better suited to positive reinforcement techniques. Other penalties, such as leash corrections, are less effective. Use clicker training or reward-based training instead. They will look for methods to satisfy you and obtain those treats because they are intelligent and eager learners.
Pitbulls are not group animals, and they can be hostile against other dogs, possibly as a result of their previous training as fighting dogs. You can keep them focused on you if you train them to do so. The commands ‘look,”stay,’ and the emergency recall will all come in handy.
Make sure you practice these commands in a variety of settings. This is known as ‘proofing’ in the dog training world. It’s a crucial skill for Pitbulls in particular.
Obedience training
Many Pitbulls excel at basic and advanced obedience training. Furthermore, because of their active energy, they are well-suited to canine sports such as rally obedience and agility.
These activities can help you cross off a number of the boxes on your Pitbulls’ to-do list. You’ll be able to bond while also reinforcing their excellent behavior and providing them with the exercise they require. Along the way, you’ll have a good time.
Keep in mind that a well-trained dog will take its cues from you rather than other people or pets. If your Pitbull still acts aggressively toward other dogs, consulting with a trainer may be beneficial. There are numerous training courses dedicated solely to this topic.
Pitbulls are tenacious dogs who are on the verge of becoming defiant. This implies it’s critical that they understand who’s in charge and that you train them to follow your instructions.
Pitbulls will need to eat high-quality dog chow fortified with oats and sweet potatoes for increased nutritional value because their energy levels burn so many calories. They’ll have a gorgeous shining coat if they eat properly.
It’s critical to feed your Pitbull a high-protein dog food that starts with meat and has a low grain content. Pitbulls can have elbow and hip dysplasia, which is exacerbated by obesity.
Three times a day, softened dry food should be fed to your Pitbull puppies. Even after weaning, and until the dog is about twelve months old, they should stick to the puppy feeding regimen.
Adult Pitbulls can eat twice a day, but just half of their daily food allowance should be provided each time. Diarrhea, gas, and bloat should all be avoided. This could indicate that your dog is consuming the incorrect diet. Because pitbulls eat without chewing, a high-protein, low-grain diet can help prevent bloat and stomach torsion. Also, don’t let them exercise just after they eat.
Grooming and Shedding
In a healthy white Pitbull, you want a coat that is lustrous, sleek, and healthy. Because of their short, tight hair, they don’t need much grooming. They still require regular grooming and a high-quality, nutritious diet, just like any other dog.
Brush your Pitbull using a rubber curry brush on a regular basis if you want his coat to have that sheen. Circular motions will distribute natural oils throughout your dog’s coat and stimulate circulation. Brushing their coats on a regular basis will also remove dead hair and skin flakes that degrade their appearance.
Because Pitbulls have such a short coat, they do not require frequent bathing. Use natural, chemical-free shampoos developed specifically for dogs if you want to go that route.
Due to the Pitbull’s single layer of fur, shedding occurs all year. There will be no ‘coat blow season,’ as there is with double-coated dogs, despite the fact that it will be consistent. In both the spring and the fall, expect a slight increase in shedding.
Stress, poor nutrition, allergies, sensitivities to specific shampoos, skin issues, or mites could all cause increased shedding in your Pitbull. If you see any unusual shedding, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
White Pitbulls are excellent fitness companions. At the very least, they’ll need an hour or more of activity per day. As a result, this is unquestionably a dog for an active person or family. And, because he is so active and intellectual, he will seek out and enjoy a wide range of activities. They don’t appear to get tired of playing.
When choosing a breed, keep in mind the energy levels and play requirements. Because of a Pitbull’s high energy requirements, a lot of exercise is required. If you are unable to do so, it will result in destructive chewing, digging, and other harmful behavior in both you and your beloved pet.
Throughout the day, your white Pitbull will require plenty of stimulation. So make sure your dog is getting enough of stimulation, whether it’s through solo play with toys they can’t pull apart, interactive games, or training sessions.
We’ve already seen what may happen if he doesn’t get enough stimulation, so make sure you’re committed to meeting his energy demands before choosing this breed.
Health of the white Pitbull
Pitbulls are a breed that is generally healthy. They weren’t bred for beauty; they were bred for function. As a result, they are less prone to the same health issues as other breeds.
They are, unfortunately, vulnerable to a variety of diseases. These issues must be addressed by owners. With proper treatment or health testing, several of the health issues listed below can be avoided. Others can be controlled much better if they are discovered early, which is easier to do if you know what symptoms to watch for.
Most common health issues
To minimize inherited health problems, you should adopt your Pitbull from a reputable breeder whenever possible. A qualified breeder will not only breed only healthy dogs together but will also do the necessary health testing to prevent these dogs from inheriting specific medical disorders.
Adopting from a breeder is important if you want a healthy white Pitbull. Although a puppy may cost more this way, you will receive a lot more bang for your cash. Breeder puppies are more expensive because they spend a lot of effort and time into their litters.
Allergies are very common in this breed. Food allergies are the most common cause of allergies. Food allergies, contrary to popular belief, frequently manifest as skin disorders. The dog will develop itching around its paws, causing them to be groomed excessively.
Dogs are known to bite and lick their fur, and occasionally even their skin. Secondary infections can develop once they’ve opened wounds. These infections irritate the skin even more, causing scratching and licking. These infections can become highly dangerous – and even fatal – over time.
We strongly advise consulting a veterinarian to establish the source of your dog’s sensitivity. Changing the dog’s food to something that doesn’t contain the allergen is common. Animal proteins, such as chicken or beef, are commonly used as allergens. If your dog eats a single-protein diet, the allergy is most likely caused by the principal protein source.
The only approach to treat allergies in dogs is to keep them away from the allergen. For the rest of their lives, they will require special nutrition.
Infections of the Urinary Tract
Pitbulls are prone to urinary tract infections for many reasons. Improper urinating in the house is usually the first indicator of a UTI. It’s possible that your dog’s mishaps aren’t the result of them being a nasty dog. They could be infected!
In most dogs, these infections are rather prevalent. It’s not uncommon for dogs of any breed to acquire them now and then. Pitbulls, on the other hand, seem to get them more frequently than other breeds.
Urinating becomes painful for dogs when they have an infection. Some dogs are prone to holding their urine and then having major accidents indoors. Others may not be able to retain their urine for long periods of time, resulting in more small accidents. Some people may leak when sleeping or relaxing. Dogs can also act as if they’re urinating yet not produce any urine. This is usually linked to a more serious infection.
If a urinary tract infection (UTI) is not treated, it might progress to a bladder infection. Some dogs may acquire bladder stones in addition to a UTI, resulting in additional health issues.
Autoimmune Disorders
When the white Pitbull’s immune system attacks native cells, autoimmune disorders develop. Invading cells, such as bacteria and viruses, are normally attacked by the immune system. However, it can become perplexing at times, attacking the body’s cells as well.
Nobody knows for sure what causes these problems. Normally, the immune system targets only a specific type of cell. Genetics, as well as environmental variables, are thought to play an impact. We simply don’t know right now.
Autoimmune illnesses are usually not treatable. The immune system cannot be told to quit attacking. The most common treatments involve repairing the immune system’s damage, decreasing the harm, or replacing the hormones that have been altered. It all relies on your dog’s symptoms and the type of ailment he or she has.
Congenital Heart Disease
This type of heart ailment develops during the puppy’s development. The heart does not develop properly as the puppy grows inside the womb for many reasons, resulting in a cardiac problem.
Many of these illnesses are genetic, which means they are passed down from generation to generation. In most cases, recessive features are involved, thus both parents may be perfectly healthy. To show symptoms and deformities in growing, the puppy must inherit two genes.
However, some of them could be the result of poor womb conditions. Environmental influences can have an impact on a developing fetus, causing the heart to develop incorrectly.
There appears to be an increased risk of inherited cardiac issues in Pitbulls. Although genetic testing may help with some of these concerns, there are so many possible genes that it is impossible to completely avoid congenital impacts.
These heart disorders aren’t always serious. They are at other times. Some of these may not even be noticed until the dog is considerably older, making breeding difficult.
Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is more common in dogs of bigger breeds. It doesn’t affect Pitbulls as much as it does other dogs, but it can still cause problems.
This disease is caused by abnormal hip joint growth. During puppyhood, the ball and socket do not develop together properly. One grows more quickly than the other. As a result, the body attempts to repair the loose joint.
Severe damage is common, and arthritis develops before the dog reaches adulthood. Symptoms normally appear before the dog reaches the age of four, though the disease develops continuously from puppyhood.
Genetics is a factor. It doesn’t matter what you do, some dogs just don’t develop normally. Environmental influences, on the other hand, play a role too. Puppies who are overfed or overworked can develop joint problems, which can lead to hip dysplasia.
Puppies, especially those belonging to a breed as food-driven as Pitbulls, frequently act as if they are constantly hungry. That’s why obesity is so common.
White Pitbull Breeders
Always choose a reputed breeder if you want a healthy White Pitbull puppy free of hereditary diseases. Puppies from shady puppy mills are typically born with genetic defects or health problems since they are bred unethically to produce unique hues and patterns.
Some breeders attempt to pass albino Pitbulls off as white Pitbulls. While there are techniques to identify the difference, it can be difficult to determine the difference between an albino and an ordinary Pitbull. Dealing with a trustworthy breeder will protect you from being duped, and they will not try to sell you a dog that isn’t naturally white.
Honest breeders do not withhold information and are eager to answer any concerns regarding the puppy’s background and health. You should also look into the parents of the puppy; a reputable breeder will gladly allow you to meet them.
Because white Pitbulls are more rare than other Pitbull colors, you should expect to pay a little more for one. A white Pitbull costs between $1,000 and $3,000 when purchased from a reputable breeder. Always choose a breeder who is willing to show you the puppies and their parents in person. In addition to having health clearances, a professional website, and verified feedback from prior clients, you should look for a company with a professional website.
Avoid puppy mills since their puppies are not only less healthy, but they are also more likely to offer you an albino pup masquerading as a true white. Alternatively, they may inbreed their white Pitbulls, increasing the likelihood of unhealthy dogs. If you want a healthy white Pittie, stay away from puppy mills at all costs.
If you’re determined on a white Pitbull, the only way to know if you’re getting a healthy, non-albino puppy is to meet the puppies and their parents in person before making a financial commitment. You could also consider rescuing a Pitbull, given the large number of Pitbulls in rescue facilities across the country. The Pitbull Rescue website is a terrific place to start.
White Pitbull FAQ
Are White Pitbulls Rare?
Yes, they’re rare and tough to come by. Pitbull breeds must adhere to a strict set of breed criteria. White Pitbull coloration is discouraged in these guidelines.
Another reason for this is that the white Pitbull’s breed classification has been linked to blindness, cancer, and deafness in the past. If you have your heart set on a white Pitbull, you may have to look for one for a long time.
Are White Pitbulls Deaf?
Dogs with merle or white coats are predisposed to congenital deafness, according to Louisiana State University. While not all white Pitbulls are deaf, there is a considerable probability they will acquire partial deafness or become entirely deaf in the future.
Additionally, Dalmatians , Pitbulls, and Boxers are among the top breeds with white pigmentation in their coats and the gene that causes them to go deaf. It’s not a given that you’ll end up with a deaf dog, but you should be prepared for the potential.
Are White Pitbulls More Aggressive?
All Pitbulls, not only white Pitbulls, have an unjust reputation for being highly aggressive. This, however, is mostly based on fear, not fact. White Pitbulls are not more aggressive than black Pitbulls.
The way you teach and raise your dog, as with any canine, has a big impact on their temperament. It is possible to find a Pitbull that is loving, calm, and friendly rather than aggressive, regardless of coat color.
What is the definition of an all-white Pitbull?
The coat of an all-white pit is completely white. They do, however, have red noses, indicating that they are true white pits. Additionally, because of the lack of pigmentation, this hue is more susceptible to UV sensitivity.