When reading the title you might wonder “What is there to say about a dog butt?” And I see where you’re coming from, but actually, there is a lot to say! No, really. For example, why do dogs sniff each other’s butts or our butts? Or maybe, why do dogs scoot? You see, a lot to talk bout!
In this article we’ll answer the two most commonly asked questions about dog butts:
- Why does my dog scoot?
- Why do dogs sniff each other’s butts?
- How come dogs like butt scratches?
Dog butt – What to know
Does you’d dog go crazy when you scratch its butt, so the area above their tail? Have you ever wondered why?
There are even dogs that hold their butts out when they greet you and are just waiting to be petted and petted there. But what is the reason that many dogs like butt scratches?
The first reason might be that many dogs often have tension at the base of their tails. Think of it like the shoulder area in humans, which is often painful and tense after a long day at work. A light massage of the shoulders and neck is sometimes all we need to feel good again. This is exactly how it is for many dogs with their backs and tails.

Now, whether this comes from tail-wagging or not has not been confirmed, but it is possible. If your dog is prone to tension, there are of course also special dog massages that you can learn how to do.
Another reason might be that this area is not easy to reach for your dog. So your dog is happy when someone else does the scratching. It’s even possible that your dog sticks his backside towards you like it’s an invitation to scratch.
Why does my dog scoot?
Your dog is scooting or dragging their dog butt on your floor when he has a stimulus in the anus and wants to get rid of it. Now, that stimulus can be itching or pain.
Some people think this is a clear sign of worms, but it doesn’t have to be. If you observe that your dog is scooting, don’t immediately assume it’s time for deworming. A vet visit is the safest option if you want to know why your dog is scooting. But we’ll tell you about other possible reasons.
Worms and parasites
Intestinal parasites, worms, are the number one cause why your dog might be scooting. Your dog eats soil, parts of plants, dead animals, or excrements, all of this can easily result in ingestion of worm eggs.
Other symptoms of worms can include diarrhea, emaciation, and bloating. But, keep in mind, a worm infestation can also occur without any symptoms. The most common types of worms found in dogs are tapeworms and whipworms. But again, if you suspect worms, take your dog to the vet.
Some of the most common symptoms of worms in dogs |
Weight loss and a increase or decrease in appetite |
Distended abdomen, or ‘pot-bellied’ appearance |
Lethargy, weakness |
Vomiting |
Diarrhea/chronic soft stools |
Chronic coughing |
Dulling of coat and hair loss accompanied by skin irritation or inflammation |
The anal glands are another culprit
Anal glands are fluid-filled bags on the right and left of the dog’s anus. They are emptied when defecating. But, if your dog is not able to express its glands, if they have an anal gland disease, they will let you know by scooting.
If your vet suspects this they will do a rectal exam to see if the anal pouches are overly filled or even inflamed – then they can gently squeeze out and rinse your dog’s anal glands. But only your vet should do this!

In rare cases, cancer can also affect the anal pouches. But, this can only be determined with certainty by doing certain tests.
Allergies, mites, fleas, and fistulas
Diseases that occur in the area around the anus, can also cause your dog to itch and scoot. Any skin disease that arises from an allergy or from parasites can also occur in the anal area. For example, a flea infestation, mites, or a food allergy. This can also be a reason for scooting.
Besides this, so-called “perianal fistulas” can also be a reason for scooting. That’s when the small passages between the rectum and the outer skin become inflamed – this can lead to pain and itching.
The disease is probably caused by a disorder of the immune system. Fistulas can be treated with ointments and antibiotics, but sometimes surgery needs to be done too.
Whatever the reason for scooting is diseases in the anal area are very uncomfortable. So, it’s important to act quickly! Don’t wait for your dog to start scooting like crazy. Take your dog to the vet as soon as you notice any change in behavior, for example itching or licking.
Why do dogs sniff each other’s butts?
Dogs often sniff each other’s bums as a greeting. This behavior is strange for us humans but totally normal for dogs! That’s because dogs perceive their environment with their nose – in fact, they can recognize smells up to ten thousand times better than we humans!
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Beisdes that, dogs even know which direction smells are coming from and can even smell past fragrances. The nature of the scent also gives them a sense of time.
Sniffing is greeting
The recognition and getting to know two dogs takes place by sniffing each other’s tails when they meet. That is why it is so important to allow them to do so. Sniffing calms the atmosphere and ensures a peaceful get-together.
Dogs leave a special scent from their anal glands with every bowel movement. Your dog spreads its scent by waving its paws on the grass and wagging its tails. And that’s how canines can recognize each other.
By sniffing dogs know who was there before. And when they greet other dogs, they like to sniff under their tails, or their dog butt, to know who they are dealing with.
If you are walking a dog on a leash and it encounters another four-legged friend, it is helpful to let the leash a little slack so that the two fur noses have enough space to sniff each other.
Why do dogs want to smell everything and everyone?
For all dogs, and especially insecure dogs, sniffing plays an extremely important role in absorbing information. So, when walking your dog, give him some control over the path you go and let them choose where to stop and sniff. There are several good reasons for this:
- It gives the dog important information about its surroundings
- increases a dog’s control because it gives them a better understanding of their environment
- Gives your four-legged friend a mental challenge
- Reduces stress
But, why exactly do dogs sniff each other’s buttocks? There are several reasons for this:
- When defecating, the anal glands leave behind a unique odor
- Dogs recognize each other by their scent
- This scent provides information about a dog’s age, gender, mood, and identity
- The atmosphere is more relaxed when dogs are allowed to sniff each other