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Resilient Dog Clings to Owner’s Leg at Shelter, Declining To Be Left Behind

Resilient Dog Clings to Owner’s Leg at Shelter, Declining To Be Left Behind

Chrissy, a dedicated rescuer from Forgotten Now Family Rescue, had a life-changing encounter at a local shelter.

While pulling dogs for her rescue, she noticed a frail senior dog desperately clinging to his owner’s leg in a corner. It was evident that this poor pup had endured neglect and was filled with fear.

What broke Chrissy’s heart even more was the realization that his owner had come to put him down.

In that poignant moment, Chrissy made a heartfelt decision. She couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the dog, whom she later named Seymour, alone to face his fate.

Source: The Dodo

There was a flicker of resilience in his eyes that convinced Chrissy he had more fight left in him. Thus, she chose to take him under her care.

At 18 years old and severely neglected, Seymour became a fospice dog under Chrissy’s loving care. She took him to the vet, hoping to provide him with the necessary treatments and remove the growths and masses that plagued his body.

Source: The Dodo

The goal was to ensure Seymour’s comfort during his remaining days, whether it be weeks or months. Everyone believed time was limited, but Seymour had other plans.


I can’t believe today marks 1 year with you. January 11th last year I watched your owner dragging you toward the shelter door. Your old legs couldn’t keep up and you were so confused clinging to who you thought was your person . The rotting skin and tumors smelled so bad you actually were clearing out the lobby area.There was no way I would let your old bones go lay on that floor to die alone. I was only at the shelter to help my friend finish up our other intakes we were taking from that shelter quickly. I was there just at the right moment and our hearts were absolutely meant to be. You could hardly walk and your face was infected from the growths being untreated. I will never forget your face looking up at me while I was kicking off my favorite heels in the parking lot because your big self couldn’t walk any further – I had to carry you. You stared at me like what are you even doing? you look crazy- no way you can carry me .. You had no clue the amount of times I would carry you over the next year. The vets told me maybe even only a few days but removing those masses was only way to make you comfy.. so we did it. I brought you home and promised to show you all the things I wish you had before. My mission to save your heart started … little did I know you would save me instead. Pappy seymour this year has been the biggest gift to me. You have become the face that greets me every time I get home. You wait for me like I am your whole world. We became best friends. I so badly longed to have holidays and celebrate with you. I prayed about it a lot. I can’t believe we have now had them all. My prayers were answered. Today marks 1 full year. We have done it all. You celebrated every one of our family birthdays stealing bites of cake always , you dressed up with the kids for Halloween, we snuggled by the Christmas tree with cookies. Every single moment this year you have made my life so much better. I am yours and you are mine. Best friends forever. Here’s to a year seymour ❤️ I pray for so many more memories. I ask today if everyone could donate $1 in honor of his 1 year to help our rescue. 💰Venmo:‘forgottennowfamily 💰PayPal: [email protected] #hospice #fosteringsaveslives #myguy #youandme #dontbullymybreed❤ #pittiesoftiktok #forgottennowfamilyrescue

♬ You and Me – Eldar Kedem

In just one day, Seymour went from being neglected and unwanted to becoming a cherished member of Chrissy’s family. The sweet senior pup couldn’t believe his luck.

Chrissy exclaimed:

“His heart is filled with kindness, and he effortlessly becomes everyone’s best friend.”

Source:The Dodo

Over a year has passed since Seymour joined Chrissy’s family, and she remains grateful for him every single day. Despite the hardships he endured, Seymour now knows the true meaning of love, and his family is committed to treasuring every precious moment they have with him.

Emma, who has a journalism education, enthusiastically writes articles for our dog blog. She combines her love for writing with her deep fondness for dogs to create engaging and informative content. Emma's work reflects her commitment to sharing heartwarming stories and valuable insights about our beloved canine companions.