Buying a dog is expensive. Especially if it’s a popular purebred dog like a Chihuahua. But how much do tiny dogs like the baby Chihuahua, or teacup Chihuahua cost?
It’s normal for us people to look for the best deal or the cheapest option. We always want to save some money. But, how smart is that really when buying a dog? After all, it wouldn’t be bad to get a dog we’ve always wanted for 200 or 300 dollars cheaper, right?
We have to disappoint you. Getting a dog for a much cheaper price isn´t smart, and we would never recommend it. Buying a dog from a good breeder is what should be your priority. In the case of getting a dog, cheaper doesn’t have to be better, and in this article, you’ll see why.
Besides that, we´ll also take a closer look at all the most important traits of Chihuahuas and health risks.
While you’re here, read about other amazing crossbreeds:
- Pitbull Chihuahua Mix: The family dog
- Texas Heeler: Complete Breed Guide
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- Lycan Shepherd: A mix of three breeds
- Corgi Husky Mix: The adorable and smart Horgi
- Doberman Pitbull Mix: Best Of Both Worlds?
- Peekapoo: The not so popular designer dog
- Bordoodle: Intelligent And Energetic
- Fawn French Bulldog: The classic beauty
Baby Chihuahua Facts– What to know about these dogs
The Chihuahua’s origins are unknown, as are those of many other breeds, however, there are two hypotheses as to how he came to be. The first is that he is descended from the Techichi, a Central or South American dog.
When we examine the evidence for Chihuahuas arriving from Central America and South America, we find ourselves returning to the Toltec culture. Toltec sculptures from the 9th century C.E. portray a dog with wide ears and a spherical skull, similar to the Chihuahua. These canines were known as Techichi, and their function in Toltec civilization is unknown.
Fun fact: Chihuahua is derived from the Mexican state of the same name. The state of Chihuahua borders Arizona, Texas, as well as New Mexico.
When the Aztecs defeated the Toltecs, they assimilated the Techichi into their culture. Many of the dogs were kept in temples and utilized in Aztec ceremonies. The Aztecs thought the Techichi had mysterious abilities such as the capacity to foretell the future, cure the ill, and safely lead the souls of the deceased to the underworld. It was usual to kill a red Techichi and bury him with the corpse. The Techichi was also exploited by the Aztecs as a source of food and pelts. When the Spanish vanquished the Aztecs in the late 1500s, the Techichi vanished.
The second idea holds that little hairless dogs imported to Mexico by Spanish merchants were mated with small local canines.
Let’s face it. We love when we can buy something for a lower price. It just makes us happy. But, you have to be careful when buying dogs for a low price.
Chihuahuas are small size cuties. Everyone knows that this is a tiny breed, but it might surprise you how small Chihuahuas are. As a side note, Chihuahuas come in different sizes, one of them is the teacup variety. But those are not accepted by the American Kennel Club. It´s also not easy to get a hold of a teacup Chihuahua, you have to find teacup Chihuahua breeders.
While we´re talking about teacup Chihuahuas, you might want to read our article explaining why it´s not a good idea to get a teacup dog:
- Teacup dogs – Big health issues of small canines
The average Chihuahua weighs between 3 and 6 pounds. There are even tinier Chihuahuas, but they are not always healthy. If a breeder is trying to sell you a smaller Chi, know that something might not be right.
Chihuahuas may also be large, with some weighing 12 pounds or more. Obviously, because of their size and because they don´t take up much space they make amazing family dogs. But, they might not be the best option for families with small children. Chihuahuas are very delicate and need to be handled gently, and kids usually don´t know how to do that.
According to the breed standard here is what a Chihuahua needs to look like. The Chihuahua is described by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as “an elegant, alert, and compact tiny dog with a cheeky look.” Coat color exists in every variety imaginable, yet the official breed standards do not emphasize any of them.
Their head forms vary greatly as well, although the majority fall into two major groups: apple heads and deer heads. Large, upright ears sit over wide, projecting eyes, giving the breed a bright and inquisitive appearance.
Fun fact: Some Chihuahuas are known for their apple-shaped heads and huge eyes, while others, such as the deer head chihuahua, have a more fox-like head shape.
Long-haired and short-haired Chihuahuas are available, with different breed appearance requirements for each. But the two most distinguishable traits of Chihuahuas are their large eyes and floppy ears. The Chihuahua has a quick, solid walk that complements his confident demeanor. Chihuahuas are the most significant persons in their eyes.
Chihuahuas come in a variety of colors such as white, black, brown, chocolate, brown, fawn, red, cream, and mixed. They may also have merle coloration, which is a mottling of the underlying hue with lighter splotches.
Chihuahuas are generally low-maintenance in terms of grooming. Brushing once a week for short-haired Chihuahuas (more often for long-haired variations) and bathing once a month should be enough. Every few months, your nails should be clipped. Use a warm, damp towel to remove eye discharge.
Chihuahuas are high-energy dogs, their energy levels sometimes go through the roof! So a lot of exercise is a must with these dogs, especially for young Chihuahuas. Aside from having a naturally high activity level, Chihuahuas, like any other dog, may become hyper due to boredom or dissatisfaction.
Chihuahuas are true companion dogs! They can’t get enough time with their owners. If they aren’t snuggling up with you, they may be curled up in a corner or beneath a blanket. Or they’ve found a shady area to soak up the rays.
Chihuahuas seem to be in touch with their attractive looks and are well aware of the attention they attract. So, from the start, make it clear to your Chi that you’re in authority. Never allow your Chihuahua puppy to do anything that may be deemed inappropriate when they reach adulthood: If you allow them, their outsized personalities may lead to their dominating your life. As a result, be consistent in your expectations and use positive reinforcement training. If they are bored, they may develop unwanted habits and even become fussy eaters. Establish home rules early on and train consistently.
Alert dogs
According to Chihuahua owners, these dogs are excellent communicators who will alert you if something interesting or unusual is going on in the home. Because they are distrustful of outsiders, they make ideal watchdogs due to their strong personalities and terrier-like attitudes. As with any breed, socialize your Chihuahua puppy so she grows up to be comfortable with new people, animals, and circumstances – and less yappy. Chihuahuas often form attachments to certain people. They can warm up to people after being properly introduced, but only on their timetable.
Finally, keep in mind that the personality of a Chihuahua does not naturally combine with that of other dogs. These dogs are elegant and reserved towards strangers, and they have a propensity to get entangled with bigger canines that might injure them. It’s in their genes to be territorial, and it’s in their design to exaggerate their size, regardless of how well they were socialized, taught, and nurtured.
But, in the end, these small dogs are affectionate, loyal, empathetic, eccentric at times, and can be extremely lively if given the chance. Their unique personality typically make them a perfect option for the single dog owner, but they surely give a fresh brightness to any family they make their own, and their devotion and dedication do not fade.
Health issues
Chihuahuas, while being the tiniest of all dog breeds, are recognized for their enormous personalities and even greater hearts. A Chihuahua is one of the few canines that will be more devoted, loving, and life-changing to its owner than any other.
However, like with other breeds, these charming tiny dogs are prone to some serious health issues. But don’t worry! The majority of these illnesses are completely curable, and many Chihuahuas enjoy long, healthy lives.
But, as a responsible dog owner, you should still be aware of these and be able to recognize the symptoms of the most common health issues of Chihuahuas. This way you can spot them in the beginning and your vet can take immediate action.
Gum and tooth disease
All tiny breeds have inherently small mouths, which predisposes them to overcrowded, difficult-to-clean teeth. Gum disease occurs in dogs as a consequence of plaque and tartar buildup.
Food gets lodged in your dog’s gums regularly, therefore brushing their teeth properly and often is essential. Dental chew toys and treats may help your Chihuahua’s teeth stay clean in between brushings. You may also give them natural chews that, if they chew on them, will help maintain their teeth and gums healthy. Learn how to create a low-calorie, nutritious, natural chew for your Chihuahua by reading our article on DIY Dehydrated Chicken Feet!
Make sugary treats a rare treat, and remember to keep your pet’s dental check-ups with their veterinarian on schedule.
The medical term for low blood sugar is hypoglycemia. If your Chihuahua seems weak, dizzy, disoriented, abnormally sleepy, or even pass out they might be suffering from hypoglycemia.
If you feel your Chihuahua is hypoglycemia, take them to the vet straight immediately. They may need a new diet or other steps to stay healthy. Hypoglycemia may be an indication of a bigger condition, such as diabetes or liver disease, which can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.
If your Chihuahua is prone to hypoglycemia, make sure they get enough food throughout the day. Missing one or two meals is enough to cause a dip in blood sugar levels in tiny breeds, which may lead to serious effects such as seizures.

Murmurs in the heart
A disruption in the blood flow through the chambers of the heart causes heart murmurs. They are an indication that there may be a heart ailment or condition that needs to be examined and addressed. The volume of heart murmurs is classified from one to five, with one being extremely faint and five being quite loud.
If illness is detected by x-rays and echocardiography, the dog may need medicine, a particular diet, and a decrease in the quantity of activity he receives.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may build up in the brain as a consequence of a congenital abnormality, blockage, or trauma at birth, putting pressure on the brain. The head seems bloated or inflated, but an ultrasound may confirm the diagnosis if required. Although there is no treatment for hydrocephalus, steroids may help lower fluid pressure in moderate instances. A shunt may also be used to direct fluid away from the brain and into the belly.
Puppies with severe cases frequently die before they reach the age of four months, which is a good reason to wait until they reach that age before acquiring a Chihuahua.
Buying a Chihuahua baby – What to know
Sure, you might save a couple of hundred dollars at that moment. But will you be saving any money in the long run? Or will that dog cost you much much more?
The truth is, you should always buy from a reputable breeder. Someone who you can trust and who will sell you a healthy puppy. That’s the most important thing. You want a healthy puppy! Chihuahua puppies that are seven weeks old.
Many breeders don’t care about the dogs. All they want are the ones. So, they won’t even take the puppies to get all the common vaccinations and medicine. When you’re buying a dog for dirt cheap, you’re probably buying them from a questionable breeder.
By doing that you’re risking a lot. You probably don’t even know if your puppy is healthy. And even if they look healthy, they actually might not be.
Many health problems show themselves later on, after a couple of months. All that money you saved by buying from a questionable breeder you’ll spend on vet bills for your puppy. And probably even more money.
How much they cost
Now that you know why it’s important to buy from a reputable breeder, let’s see how much a baby Chihuahua costs. This way you’ll know when someone is offering the puppy for cheaper and you’ll be more careful.
If you Google the price of Chihuahuas you’ll see that the price for these dogs starts at 400 dollars. Let me be bold and say that’s complete BS. Pardon my French, but that’s how it is.
Depending on the area where you live and the age of the baby Chihuahua they can cost between 1400 and 3000 dollars! And that my friends are the real cost. Not 400 dollars.
Of course, the price can go up to 6000 dollars if the puppy is from a champion bloodline.
So, if anyone tells you they can sell you a purebred baby Chihuahua for 400 dollars, run! Run and don’t look back. It’s most likely a scam or the puppies are already sick.
Be smart when you choose the breeder from who you intend on buying. We have some articles on how to choose the best breeder and the 15 questions you should ask them.
Why are Chihuahua puppies so expensive? After all, 6000 dollars for a dog seems like way too much, right?
Well, there are many reasons why Chihuahuas are so expensive. They are a popular breed, so the demand is high. The problem is that breeders can’t deliver.
This is because Chihuahuas usually have a small litter. Females give birth to up to three baby Chihuahuas. But usually, it’s only two.
Adopting a Chihuahua in the United States
Buying a Chihuahua isn´t the only option, you still have the possibility of adopting a Chihuahua that is just a couple of months old. There is also the chance that you will be lucky enough to adopt an infant Chihuahua!
But, you need to be aware that owning a dog is a lot of responsibility, especially if you get a baby Chihuahua. You need to take the newborn care seriously and be there for the puppy 24/7! You will almost have to become a stay-at-home parent. And we´re not even kidding!
If you get a baby Chihuahua, chances are that you will have to give them milk and take care of them as if you are their parent. You will even witness them lose their baby teeth!
If you want to find out more info about adoptable Chihuahuas you can check out your National breed Club and your local shelters and rescues.
Finding the right breeder
It’s not only enough to know how much a puppy costs, you should know where to look for a good breeder. And, to be honest, it might not be easy.
The first place you can look is the National Chihuahua Club of America or the American Kennel Club. Both have sections on reputable breeders where you can find one near you.
It’s always best to buy from a reputable breeder. They usually have their dogs undergo health testing before even being bred. This way they make sure the parents aren’t carrying any genetic conditions that they could pass onto the puppies. The pros and cons of having a Chihuahua
A good breeder will also take their dogs and puppies to see the vet multiple times through the pregnancy and after the puppies are born. That’s how you know they care about the well-being of their dogs.
They will also take the puppies to the vet to get all the needed vaccines and other medications. So you know your puppy is healthy. Also, keep in mind that Chihuahuas can have problems with blood sugar. So, ask your breeder about that too.
Lastly, finding a good breeder is important because Chihuahuas are a brachycephalic breed (just like French Bulldogs). A brachycephalic breed is every breed that has a shortened head, short nose, and flat face. Because of this, they can experience many complications during birth.
Besides this, their size is a risk too. These short-haired dogs are tiny, so the pregnancy can be dangerous for them. That’s why breeders let their Chihuahuas have a C-section. It’s much safer, but it also costs money. The more money the birth costs, the more money will the puppies cost.
Chihuahuas are not a breed for everyone! They need a lot of care and love to thrive. Also, they need a good and responsible owner and not someone who will keep them outside in cold weather.
When it comes to the price of your Chihuahua, we know that it can be tempting to buy a puppy from a cheap breeder. But, you should never do that. Don’t be cheap where you shouldn’t be.
Your biggest priority should be to get a healthy puppy, not a cheap puppy. That’s why buying from a reputable breeder is the best option.
Also, know that the real cost of having a puppy is much larger. Take into consideration all the vet bills, grooming appointments, and food. Not to talk about all the toys and other necessities.
Getting a baby Chihuahua or any puppy is expensive, and you should be aware of that and prepared before you get a dog.
More articles on Chihuahuas:
- Great Dane Chihuahua Mix: Is it possible?
- Pitbull Chihuahua Mix: The family dog
- Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix
- Maltese Chihuahua Mix: Small And Feisty
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- Red Merle Australian Shepherd: All the differences
Chihuahua and Teacup Chihuahua FAQs
Do Chihuahuas Get Along With Other Pets?
Yes! But, for the Chihuahua to get along with other pets, it must be socialized at a young age. Because Chihuahuas are natural hunters and have a lot of energy, early socialization may help prevent undesirable habits from developing with other small pets in your home. One issue you can avoid with early socialization is nipping. Chihuahuas are prone to nipping at smaller animals (such as gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.). Although this breed normally gets along well with cats, owners should always keep a check on their Chihuahua when they are near cats since cats may inflict significant harm to their bigger eyes (through scratching). If your Chihuahua does react negatively, give them a second chance and work harder with them. It is in your best interest to socialize and train your Chihuahua.
Is the teacup Chihuahua a separate breed?
No! The teacup Chihuahua is not a separate breed, nor is any teacup version of a breed. A teacup Chihuahua is simply a smaller Chihuahua, they have all the same traits and health issues. In fact, because of the much smaller size, teacups tend to have even more health problems. They have a very big chance to suffer from some condition their entire lifetime.
Do Chihuahuas have behavioral problems?
Yes, if you don´t train and socialize them well. You will have a difficult time with any breed that you don´t teach what is acceptable behavior and what is not. It is as simple as that. Chihuahuas are small puppies, so obviously they won’t be as dangerous as a Pitbull for example but there is still a risk of a Chi harming you or one of your family members. A Chihuahua is still capable of biting and inflicting injury, particularly on a youngster or an elderly person. Chihuahuas may be aggressive for the same reasons that any dog might be aggressive, such as nervousness, territorial behavior, or to assert dominance.
How long do teacup Chihuahuas live?
Small dogs have a much higher life expectancy than large dogs. The life expectancy of large breeds like German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pinschers, as well as giant breeds such as Great Danes, St. Bernards, and Mastiffs is between 8 to 12 years.
In comparison, the life expectancy of small dogs like Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Welsh Corgis is between 10 and 15 years. Some owners state that their beloved pooch lived up to 18 years.
As for the lifespan of teacup Chihuahuas and Chihuahuas in general, many experts say that their life expectancy is between 12 and 20 years! That is of course if you keep your dog healthy!
What´s the teacup Chihuahua price?
We´ve already said that a Chihuahua can cost between 1400 and 3000 dollars! Well, if you want a teacup Chihuahua you will have to pay even more! The average price is between 1500 and 4000 dollars, depending on the dog´s parents, the area you live in, and many other factors.