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Baby Yorkies: Taking care of puppies

Baby Yorkies: Taking care of puppies

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of taking care of puppies? For me, it’s love and attention. Obviously, everyone needs love and attention, right? True, but taking care of puppies, specifically baby Yorkies takes much more than just love and attention.

Sometimes it seems that Yorkie puppies are fragile, but that’s not the case. And even though it’s not that hard to take care of Yorkshire Terrier puppies there are still some things you need to do.

If you want to buy a Yorkshire Terrier, but don’t know where to find a good breeder, then you can check out AKC’s puppy marketplace.

Baby Yorkies – Everything to keep in mind

Taking care of a puppy, no matter which breed it is might seem overwhelming at first. But, don’t worry with the right tips it gets easier.

There are five elements of caring for baby Yorkies

  • Make sure your puppy has a safe space when you can’t supervise them
  • Ensure they have a healthy and balanced diet and get enough water
  • Set up a grooming routine
  • Let them get enough exercise, mental and physical
  • Keep them healthy

When you apply these tips and get organized and set up a routine, everything will run smoothly.

baby yorkies
Yorkies are beautiful dogs, but they need a lot of care too

Now, we’ll go over every one of these elements and explain them in more detail.

1. Safe space

Your Yorkie should have its own space. Sure, they should be able to walk around the house freely and decide where to sleep and play. But, it’s also important that they have their own private space where they can go when alone. This can for example be a crate, playpen, or a dedicated room for them.

There are many reasons why you should set up a space for your puppy:

  • You’ll know they are safe. When your Yorkie has a set space where they go when unsupervised, you can be sure they won’t get into any trouble
  • Helps with separation anxiety. When your dog has a space where they can relax and do what makes them happy, they are less likely to feel anxiety when you leave the home.
  • Dogs an sometimes get overwhelmed by other pets or visitors. So, it helps if they know they have a space for themselves where they can go if things get too much
  • Helps control territorial marking
  • You’ll teach them to sleep in their own bed, and not in yours

It’s also useful to put your dog’s bed and toys into that area and also line the area with pee pads, for obvious reasons.

2. Healthy diet, enough water

Your puppy needs well-balanced meals, snacks and treats, and a lot of water.

  • Meals – Make sure your puppy has a well-balanced diet. For this you should learn what ingredients to avoid, and which are beneficial for your baby Yorkie. Some of the ingredients that you should avoid and can cause allergic reactions and health problems are preservatives, artificial flavoring and coloring. Also avoid low-value ingredients like corn, soy, high wheat levels, cereals as well as by-products.

Generally speaking, it’s best for Yorkies to eat kibble. Because this is a small breed they are prone to teeth problems, and unfortunately canned food isn’t as good as teeth as dry kibble.

It’s best that they have three small meals a day. But, we can’t tell you how much food to give your dog. It all depends on the kind of food you’re feeding, your dog’s age, and their activity level. So it’s best to ask your vet for advice on this.

  • Treats – Yorkies are prone to vomiting and yellow stomach bile when they are hungry. So to prevent this give your puppy several small dry snacks.
  • Water – Making sure your dog drinks enough water is just as important as giving them a healthy, high-quality meal. Dogs need around half an ounce to one ounce of water per pound of body weight a day.

3. Grooming routine

Taking care of baby Yorkies also involves grooming, baths, dental care and so much more.

  • Regular baths – Usually, we say that you should bathe your dog every three months. But with Yorkies it’s a bit different. Yorkies need regural baths, so every three to four weeks. That’s the time it takes for their natural body oils to accumulate and when they should be washed off. Use a good shampoo that will keep your dog’s fur and skin healthy and moisturized.
baby yorkies
Yorkies need to have baths every three to four weeks
  • Brushing – Setting up a brushing routine is another important part of grooming baby Yorkies. Brush your Yorkie three to four times a week, if they have a long coat, then you’ll have to brush them every day. Be careful which brush you get. Yorkies have coats of hair, not fur, so some brushes can be damaging to their coat.
  • Nails – cutting your dog’s nails is a bit intimidating. But it’s a part of taking care of them too. Your Yorkie’s nails will have to be trimmed every six weeks. You can learn to do it yourself, or you can take them to the groomers.
  • Dental care – Small breeds are prone to tooth decay, do taking care of their teeth at home is a must! It’s not enough to just take them to the vet for professional teeth cleaning twice a year. You have to brush their teeth regurarly with a toothbrush.

If you want to learn more about cleaning your dog’s teeth you can check out our other articles:

4. Enough exercise

Physical and mental stimulation is important for every dog, not only baby Yorkies. Believe it or not, Yorkshire Terriers have a history as working dogs. This means they need daily exercise and mental stimulation.

Getting enough exercise plays a big role in keeping your Yorkies heart, lungs, and other major organs healthy. It also regulates their metabolism and stimulates their appetite.

INTERESTING FACT: Yorkies need at least two 20 minutes walks a day. It’s best if you could add a third walk.

By playing around, playing fetch, or just learning new tricks can help them get rid of all the excess energy.

Now, some dogs like being inside. If your Yorkie is like that, you should still put effort into keeping them active.

5. Keep them healthy

Vet visits and check-up are a must! I know it can get a bit expensive, but usually, you’ll have to take your dog to check-ups twice a year. So try to put some money aside, let’s say $50 a month, so you won’t have to worry about money when the time of the next check-up comes.

One important rule I had to learn when it came to vets and my dog is that I had to work with them as a team! Your vet doesn’t know what is going on with your dog at home if you don’t tell them. So, don’t be afraid to let your vet know of any behavioral changes you might witness in your dog.

Read more about fleas and ticks:

Another important aspect of dog health is heartworm, flea, and tick prevention. You have to protect your dog from parasites and parasitic worms.

If you don’t want to use chemicals for this, you can ask your vet about more natural products that can repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

My name is Jackie and I am a veterinarian with a degree in veterinary medicine. With extensive experience in treating various animals, I am known for my compassionate and personalized approach to animal care.