The first time I heard about the German Shepherd Poodle Mix I didn’t know what to expect. German Shepherds and Poodles are such different breeds. I couldn’t imagine a mix between those two.
But, it’s possible. This mix really does exist. And to be honest it looks a lot different than what I imagined. You might also be surprised when you see them!
However, even though a mix of the GSD and Poodle sounds like pure chaos. It’s not. In fact, the Shepadoodle is a surprisingly amazing dog.
In this article, we’re going to talk more about the Shepadoodle. Their nature and temperament. How to take care of them and if they are the dog for you.
German Shepherd Poodle Mix
Mixed breeds and designer dogs are a bit of a controversial topic. Not many people support the idea of mixing two different breeds.
One of the biggest reasons why is that mass breeding of designer dogs is fueling puppy mills. This will then lead to more dogs being abandoned, given up to shelters, and euthanized.
I understand the reason why designer dogs are controversial. We already have so many abandoned pets. Not only dogs, cats too. It’s sad to see so many amazing animals on the street. Alone and scared. Those poor dogs just want to go home.
I personally don’t like the idea of designer dogs either. But, in some cases, it makes sense to combine two breeds in order to get a much better breed.
For example, Cockapoos. The Cockapoo is a mix between the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. This designer dog was bred intentionally to create a dog that will shed less. So they will be perfect for people who are allergic to dogs.
But what about the German Shepherd Poodle Mix? Why was this mix created?
Crossbreed Controversy
Designer dogs, sometimes known as hybrids or crossbreeds, are the subject of significant discussion, and the reasons for this are persuasive.
Some people believe that crossbreeds are essentially mutts. Those who promote crossbreeding, on the other hand, point out that mutts have a bloodline that includes numerous distinct breeds. Crossbreeds are the offspring of two purebred parents that were carefully selected.
Another difficulty with first-generation crossbreeds concerns their health. Purebred dogs are known to suffer from various inheritable health concerns as a result of years of overbreeding in ever smaller gene pools, as many dog enthusiasts and specialists are aware.
While some experts believe crossbreeding is a viable solution to the problem, others disagree. Many specialists believe that crossbreeds are just as susceptible to acquiring genetic health problems as purebreds.
Whether you’re in favor of crossbreeding or not, you can’t deny that the German Shepherd Poodle hybrid is lovely!
Here’s all you need to know about the fluffy pup’s beginnings.
History and original purpose of the German Shepherd Poodle mix
Due to the fact that the German Shepherd Poodle mix is a recent generation crossbreed, nothing is known about his actual origin.
Looking into the history of his purebred parents, on the other hand, can teach us a lot.
The German Shepherd’s History
The German Shepherd, as his name implies, is said to be a descendent of German herding dogs, which varied in kind based on location.
During the 1800s, breeders and enthusiasts came together to produce many sorts of German herding dogs. This resulted in the modern-day German Shepherd that we all know and adore.
The German Shepherd is a well-known police and military canine in today’s world. But did you know that the majority of his abilities stem from his time as a sheepherder?
The German Shepherd is now a well-known working dog owing to his outstanding intellect, devotion, and courage.
The German Shepherd is now ranked second on the American Kennel Club’s list of America’s most popular dog breeds as of October 2019!
The Poodle’s History
Though sometimes described to as the “French Poodle,” the Poodle, like his German Shepherd counterpart, is of German heritage.
In truth, there is no such thing as a true “French Poodle,” as the Poodle breed was developed approximately 400 years ago in Germany, mostly for duck hunting.
And you’ve probably heard of the Poodle’s famous pompon hairstyle. This flamboyant hairstyle served a reason.
When out hunting, the additional hair on the Poodle’s joints kept them warm and safe as they navigated the icy German lakes in search of ducks.
The showy pompons of the Poodle eventually became a fashion statement.
Poodles are not only known for their work ethic and notoriety, but they can also be rather entertaining. They have performed in street and circuses all across the world throughout history!
Poodles as a family pet astonish their owners with their incredible intellect and family-friendly demeanor.
With two popular breeds like the German Shepherd and the Poodle, it’s no surprise that breeders wanted to combine them. And thus was born the fluffly Shepadoodle!
Small, medium, big, or gigantic Poodle and German Shepherd mixes are possible. The average Sheadoodle stands 22-28 inches tall and weighs 50-90 pounds.
A medium to big Poodle must mate with an average German Shepherd to produce a typical large dog Shepadoodle. For standards, sizes will range from medium to enormous, and in certain cases, huge.
A Poodle the size of a Beagle or Australian Shepherd, for example, will result in a smaller Shep-A-Poo. A Poodle the size of a Golden Retriever, Pitbull, or Rottweiler, on the other hand, may push the German Shepherd mix into the huge or enormous category.
For the German Shepherd and Standard Poodle combination, females will be 10 pounds lighter on average. At 12 to 24 months of age, the Shepadoodle dog reaches maturity and stops growing.
Standard German Doodles require broad, open areas and yards to play in, and are too big to live in an apartment. If you live in an apartment, a Mini Poodle and German Shepard mix is a good choice because they require less room and exercise.
The Mini/Miniature is a descendant of this hybrid dog. Sheppo Shepherd Poodles aren’t miniature in the least. This medium-sized mix breed will weigh 35-45 pounds on average and will not grow taller than 22 inches.
This mixed breed dog has the potential to become even smaller! To develop a little Shepadoodle, breeders will cross a toy poodle with a medium-sized German Shepherd. They rarely weigh more over 30 pounds or stand higher than 17 inches.
The name is confusing, as it is with the Miniature Shepadoodle, because they are not toy breeds. Nonetheless, their compact size makes them ideal for small flats, houses, and condominiums.
Size of the German Shepherd and Poodle Mixe
Micro Shepadoodle
These are the smallest sizes of the Poodle and German Shepherd combination, weighing between 25 and 35 pounds and being produced between a small male Poodle and a medium female German Shepherd. These are ideal dogs for those who live in small houses, flats, or condominiums without a yard where their dog may run freely.
Mini Shepadoodle
A miniature or mini Shepadoodle is a medium-sized German Shepherd/Poodle hybrid that weighs between 35 and 45 pounds. Because these are meant to be teeny dogs, the name seems a little strange, but the Shepadoodle breed is truly pretty small. When you consider that German Shepherds may weigh over 100 pounds and a Poodle can weigh approximately 90 pounds, you can see why this is referred to as a little Shepadoodle.
Standard Shepadoodle
Any dog weighing more than 45 pounds is considered a standard Shepadoodle, and it is the maximum size for the German Shepherd and Poodle mix. It’s vital to remember that the larger your Shepadoodle is, the more exercise he or she will require on a regular basis. A standard Shepadoodle will require far more exercise than a little Shepadoodle.
These companion dogs have medium-length coat hair that is denser and coarser, similar to their German Shepherd parent breed. They don’t shed as much as GSDs because of their Poodle ancestors.
Although a German Shepherd coat is the most common, any mix of straight, wavy, and curly hair, as well as smooth and thick coat types, are available.
If the Shepadoodle resembles the Poodle like the F1B variations, even longer coats are anticipated.
Black, white, fawn, brown, gray, cream, tan, and sable are some of the coat colors available in the Shepadoodle breed. In most Shepadoodles, the German Shepard parent’s facial markings may be seen.
Maybe the most important question is what are the Shepadoodles like. How are they as dogs. What is their nature? And what makes them so special.
A lot of things actually!
The Shepadoodle is a mix between the hardworking German Shepherd and the elegant Poodle. This designer dog was bred for work, but they have a gentle nature. So, they soon became companion dogs.

The Shepadoodle is a medium to large size dog. Depending on the size of the Poodle. They can weigh between 50 and 125 pounds. So, they can get very heavy. And they are between 22 and 28 inches tall.
Their life expectancy is around 12 to 14 years and they are generally speaking healthy dogs.
Shepadoodles’ fur is usually a combination of black and brown. But, they can also come in tri-color black, brown, white, and can also be a single dark color.
You can guess the color of the puppies based on the coat color of the parent Poodle.
Shepadoodle temperament
It’s not easy to predict the nature of the Shepadoodle. But, generally speaking, the German Shepherd Poodle Mix is a very smart dog. But they also have a lot of energy.
They learn very quickly. So, they will learn every trick or command you’re trying to teach them with ease.
The Shepadoodle loves people! They are very friendly and enjoy being with people. They love children too!
However, we can’t forget about their loyalty either. But, that loyalty can turn into clinginess. They love spending time with you and playing around.
You can say that they are big dogs with even bigger hearts!
Are they good family dogs?
The affinity to children is a distinguishing feature of Poodle-German Shepherd mix dogs. These children’s-friendly pets adore being around them. As a responsible adult, you must keep a close check on how a youngster interacts with a dog and a tiny animal. It’s crucial to set a good example for your children by treating your dog with respect and compassion.
Poodle-German Shepherd puppies may be attention-seeking. You should set aside some time to cater to their requirements, since this may help them develop separation anxiety.
Early socialization is an option for the dog. This procedure will assist in establishing a more positive adjustment and a more loving family dynamic. As early as 2 1/2 weeks, socializing can begin. It will assist the dog in differentiating between positive and negative inputs and feelings. It can also help children adjust to their new surroundings, which is especially important when they come from another household.
These dogs might be an excellent addition to your household. They would enliven the home and contribute to the development of a sense of community.
Exercise needs
The German Shepherd Poodle Mix doesn’t only have a big heart. They have big needs too.
For example, because they are large dogs, they need plenty of living space. So, if you live in a tiny apartment, they might not be for you. The Shepadoodle needs a big house with a big yard. Otherwise, your dog will feel trapped and become destructive.
Secondly, they need a lot of training! Shepadoodles are smart dogs. They are also full of energy. He is the product of two intelligent breeds and will need both mental and physical stimulation. Never underestimate how much of an active dog he is!
The best way to get in an exercise is by taking your dog on long walks and hikes. He enjoys being with you while also fulfilling his needs for movement. They need at least 60 minutes of physical exercise daily, and around 30 minutes of mental exercise.
These intelligent dogs are a large breed and their energetic nature will start to show from a young age. A good idea would be to train them to walk off the leash so they can run around on your long walks through the dog park.
Brushing is an important aspect of this mixed breed’s grooming routine. Based on the dominant genes between their parent breeds, German Shepherd Poodles may shed mildly to substantially.
Brushing the coat of a German Shepherd Poodle two to four times each week is recommended. Its busy lifestyle causes it to become untidy more quickly than less energetic kinds. During the seasons when the undercoat sheds, daily brushing is required.
Poodle and German Shepherd mix Shepherd dogs are generally odorless and spotless. Maybe once every two to three months, they’ll have a bath. Bathing your dog on a weekly basis is unnecessary and may cause harm since it removes the dog’s natural oils from the skin. It is illegal to use human shampoo. Only use a shampoo that is hypoallergenic and has a neutral pH level.
You must give special attention to the teeth, nails, eyes, nose, paws, and ears when grooming the Poodle mixed
with German Shepherd dogs. Look for indications of an infection in your eyes, nose, or ears. To care for the dog’s nails, you’ll need a clipper. If you’re not sure how to cut your dog’s nails, make an appointment with a local groomer. The dog’s nails are important, yet they can easily chip off by accident.
You’ll need to get a pet toothbrush and toothpaste for your dog’s dental maintenance. Cleaning the teeth of German Shepherd Poodles follows the same method as brushing your own. People touching their teeth or feet may make some dogs nervous.
As you can see, they need a lot of care. So if you want a Shepadoodle, you will have to invest a lot of time into them. If you want a low-maintenance dog, this one is not for you.
Do they shed a lot?
Shepadoodles, contrary to common opinion, do not lose much hair at all. These dogs don’t shed much, despite their thick, curly coats, and may thus be maintained by individuals who don’t want dog hair all over their homes.
Shepadoodles are considered suitable canines for folks with minor allergies to dog hair, and this is one of their main advantages.
Shepadoodles shed differently depending on their generation. An F1 Shepadoodle has a wavy coat and sheds a little quantity of hair, but an F2 Shepadoodle has a considerably curlier coat and nearly never sheds.
While this is beneficial to your cleaning regimen, the hair must eventually be disposed of. While the old hair does not shed, it remains in the dog’s coat, causing build-up, tangles, and the possibility of matts.
Shepadoodles will need to go to the groomer every few of months to get this hair removed. When a Shepadoodle’s coat is neglected, it can cause discomfort, agony, and even skin diseases.
Despite their huge size, Shepherpoos are more likely than usual to become fat. Some owners may find it difficult to meet their activity needs, which can lead to overfeeding. Give your Sherdoodle a diet that reflects his or her busy lifestyle.
Shepadoodles weighing 50-59 pounds require 2 2/3 cup (8 OZ measuring cup) of dry food every day, and another 1/3 cup for every additional 10 lbs). A dog weighing 80 pounds will require about 1779 calories a day.
The calorie requirements of your Shepadoodle are determined by its height and weight, and because the range is so large for this breed, it’s best to consult your veterinarian. Smaller German Shepherd and Poodle mixes will have lower calorie requirements.
For small Shepadoodles, wet food is more cost-effective, but don’t scrimp on dry food for larger dogs. For all of your dogs, always get high-quality dry dog food from your veterinarian or on Amazon.
Without your veterinarian’s approval, never give your dog onions, chocolate, raw meat, or most human foods.
German Shepherds bred with Poodles have limitless potential as therapy and service dogs, especially in the military. For successful behavior and skill acquisition, you’ll require thorough training.
Agility training can be very beneficial to them. Because the training sessions may be unpleasant for the dogs, it’s critical that you stay with them to keep their spirits up. Here are a few training recommendations for German Shepherd Poodles:
Positive rewards-based system: Among the strategies, this is one of the most successful. Dogs, like people, learn better in a calm and encouraging environment. Positive words and gestures will aid in the reinforcement of learning and the avoidance of discomfort and other negative feelings.
Never strike your dog: This will harm your relationship with him. If the dog perceives you as a threat, it may attack you. It’s possible that it’ll acquire antisocial personality features.
Limit the length of training sessions: Long durations of training might lead to misbehavior. This might be a strategy for the dog to shift attention and convey fatigue. If you use this strategy, your dog will be more focused throughout training sessions.
Take advantage of its youth: Puppies are the quickest learners among dogs of all ages. When teaching puppies, you must be consistent and reasonable.
A proper training time might help to improve the owner-dog bond. If you find that training your dog is proving to be too difficult, you can call an expert dog trainer.
Generations of Shepadoodles
The coat type of a Shepadoodle is determined by the parents’ history and whether they have more Poodle or German Shepherd DNA. Shepadoodles with more Poodle traits have curlier coats that are hypoallergenic and non-shedding in general. Shepadoodles with more German Shepherd in their coats, on the other side, will have straighter coats and shed more. The two most common generations of Poodle and German Shepherd mix are listed here. Visit our post Best Goldendoodle Generations for a more in-depth look at Doodle generations from F1 to F3 and to learn about the nomenclature.
To begin, it is necessary to learn fundamental terms in order to comprehend the Shepadoodle generation. To begin, the letter “F” stands for filial, implying that your dog is a hybrid. Shepadoodles are classified as a hybrid since they are a cross between a Poodle and a German Shepherd. Second, the number letter “1” denotes the dog’s generation, indicating that they are the first generation. Finally, a letter “B” may appear, indicating that this breed was backcrossed (typically back-crossed to a Poodle for more hypoallergenic and non shedding features). Either an F1 Shepadoodle or an F1B Shepadoodle will be the most popular generations. You could see an F2 Shepadoodle or an F2B Shepadoodle in some circumstances.
F1 Shepadoodle (50% Poodle, 50% German Shepherd)
A F1 Shepadoodle is a first-generation Shepadoodle that is 50% Poodle and 50% German Shepherd and is bred between parent dogs who are 100% Poodle and 100% German Shepherd. When individuals say they have a Shepadoodle, they are most likely referring to an F1 Shepadoodle, which is a relatively new breed that is becoming popular. However, because this is the first generation of Shepadoodles, it’s very difficult to say what features and coat kinds they’ll have.
F1B Shepadoodle (75% Poodle, 25% German Shepherd)
An F1B Shepadoodle is a mix of a Shepadoodle and a Poodle (50 percent Poodle, 50 percent German Shepherd). Because this generation has been backcrossed to a Poodle, an F1B Shepadoodle is 75 percent Poodle and 25 percent German Shepherd. This usually results in a curlier, wavy coat that resembles that of a Poodle. Backcrossed Shepadoodles are often preferred by pet owners because they are more hypoallergenic and non-shedding than F1 Shepadoodles.
Health of the Shepadoodle
Shepadoodles, while generally healthy, are susceptible to the same health problems as their parents, including hip dysplasia and Von Willebrand’s illness (a blood disease that prevents simple clotting), as well as bug and flea bites if their long hair is not properly combed.
As usual, it’s critical to see a veterinarian on a regular basis to ensure that any potential health problems are discovered and treated as soon as feasible. Hip dysplasia is a hereditary congenital condition that, unfortunately, cannot be corrected. It causes deterioration of the hip joints, limiting mobility and causing pain and suffering in your pet. However, if it occurs in an improbable scenario, it is not a severe setback. This problem can be managed thanks to the excellent assistance of modern veterinarians.
Shepadoodles, on the other hand, are tough and healthy canines. They can prove to be quite resilient due to their solid build and good health. Of course, they can only enjoy a healthy life with your help. A Shepadoodle should be healthy and live a long life if given a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, mental stimulation, proper hygiene, and frequent vet appointments.
A Shephadoodle has a lifespan of 12 to 14 years. And that’s not a terrible thing! Shepadoodles are near to the 15-year mark when compared to the average lifetime of dog breeds. Of course, this implies that you and your pet can look forward to many wonderful and exciting years together. You can think of them as amazing companion pets if you consider their great character features and healthy health. For the better part of your adult life, it will be a strong friendship!
Most common health problems
Hip Dysplasia
Canine hip dysplasia occurs when the hip joint becomes unstable as a result of both developmental and environmental factors. Dogs are prone to this bone and joint disorder. The femur does not meet the pelvic bone appropriately, causing the bones to wear out prematurely.
Later in life, your dog may develop arthritis, which can be excruciatingly painful. This ailment shows itself as a peculiar walk, shaky posture, or limping, all of which are plainly seen in your beautiful pup. To preserve your dog’s quality of life, discuss care with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or Bloat) is a condition that affects dogs with deep, narrow chests. This indicates that your dog is more vulnerable than other breeds. The stomach twists on itself and fills with gas when a dog bloats. The twisting cuts off the stomach’s and sometimes the spleen’s blood flow.
If left untreated, the sickness can kill your dog in as little as 30 minutes. Your dog may retch or heave (but nothing comes out), be agitated, have an enlarged abdomen, or lie in a prayer position (front feet down, rear end up). Preventive surgery, which involves tacking or suturing the stomach in place so that it does not twist, is possible.
Von Willebrand’s Disease
This is one of the most prevalent blood clotting problems in humans, and you might be surprised to learn that it can also affect your dog. Von Willebrand’s disease is caused by a lack of the von Willebrand Factor, a protein that aids in blood clotting.
In the event of even a minor cut, this can result in significant bleeding. This disease is difficult to detect because your dog may appear to be in perfect health for their whole life unless they have an injury. Other signs and symptoms may appear in some dogs. Nosebleeds, blood in the feces or urine, and easily damaged skin are examples.
If you and your dog are both careful, this ailment will not have a significant impact on your dog’s quality of life. Inquire with your veterinarian about treatment options for the condition. It’s critical to have your puppy checked for this problem as soon as possible, as certain medications, such as aspirin, might make it worse.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Progressive retinal atrophy is an eye ailment that might have a negative impact on the quality of life of your dog. This usually happens later in life as a result of retinal degeneration. Retinal dysplasia is the name for the early-onset type, which is observed in puppies. This is when the retinal cells do not mature properly.
The dog becomes partially or completely blind in both cases. While the disease isn’t unpleasant, it can have a significant influence on your dog’s quality of life. Consult your veterinarian about your dog’s alternatives, as well as what to do if he becomes blind.
Patellar luxation
Patellar luxation, or the dislocation of the kneecap, is common in these dogs. The kneecap usually sits in front of the hind leg’s joint and is maintained in place by ligaments. It moves around in a groove when the dog walks, protecting the joint but allowing the dog to move freely.
This little bone can dislocate and slip out of the groove in certain dogs. So it’s causing it to “float” freely about the knee. If left untreated, this can lead to major complications. It’s possible that the bone will be forced up against another bone, causing damage. Ligaments are frequently injured when the kneecap moves around incorrectly.
Allergies to pollen, mold, and dust cause people to sneeze. Instead of sneezing, allergies in dogs produce itching. Atopy is a name used to describe a common skin allergy in these puppies. The feet, tummy, skin wrinkles, and ears are the most commonly affected locations. Symptoms normally emerge between the ages of one and three, and they can get worse as time goes on. Licking the paws, stroking the face, and recurring ear infections are the most prevalent allergy symptoms. The good news is that these diseases can be treated in a number of different ways.
Unfortunately, dogs too can develop epilepsy and seizures. Recurrent seizures with no known cause or abnormal brain damage characterize epilepsy. To put it another way, the brain appears normal on the outside but functions strangely on the inside. Twitching, shaking, tremors, convulsions, and/or spasms are all symptoms of a seizure.
In older canines, cataracts are a common cause of blindness. The lenses of his eyes become more opaque—in other words, hazy rather than clear. Many dogs adapt well to losing their vision and live happily ever after. Surgical removal of cataracts and restoration of vision may also be a possibility.
Is the German Shepherd Poodle Mix the right dog for me?
Shepadoodles are wonderful companions who combine the greatest qualities of a German Shepherd and a Poodle. They’re quite simple to look after as long as you give them enough exercise. Ideally, you should exercise your Poodle and German Shepherd mix for at least 1 hour each day and give cerebral stimulation inside, such as chewable horns.
Shepadoodles have the disadvantage of requiring frequent care, such as brushing and dog haircuts because they have hair rather than fur. A Shepadoodle, on the other hand, sheds substantially less fur than a German Shepherd. Furthermore, because the Shedadoodle is more hypoallergenic, German Shepherd and Poodle mixes are much better with persons who have any form of animal allergy.
Shepadoodles are not a purebred dog, so if you’re okay with a dog with a mix of features and qualities, they’re a great choice. Just remember that while each dog’s personality and temperament may vary, they are all a loving bundle of energy. The Shepadoodle is the dog for you if you’re searching for a dog that is loyal, obedient, clever, and affectionate.
For everyone involved, rescuing a puppy may be a highly rewarding experience. For starters, you’re giving a puppy that has been waiting for you a second opportunity at a loving home.
You can, on the other hand, get a better picture of how your dog will appear and act. Look into nearby shelters and ask around to get a German Shepherd Poodle mix. You might be astonished, despite the fact that they are rather uncommon!
If you’re a first-time dog owner, ask the volunteers at the shelter if there’s anything you should know, and follow their advise on training and selecting the ideal puppy for your family.
Check out our step-by-step guide to rescuing a puppy from a shelter; it’s a lot easier than you would think!
Although there are no German Shepherd Poodle hybrid rescues, you could find one of these adorable puppies at a Poodle, Doodle, or German Shepherd rescue.
If you’re having trouble locating a German Shepherd Poodle mix at your local rescue center, Shepadoodle breeders might be able to help.
Finding a German Shepherd Poodle mix puppy
It may appear like obtaining Shepadoodle pups is simple, but you must ensure that you are using legitimate sources.
If you get a German Shepherd cross Poodle puppy from a reputable breeder, you will have a happier, healthier dog in the long term.
As a result, before determining where to purchase your German Shepadoodle pups, conduct plenty of research.
Shepadoodle pups from a breeder can cost anywhere from $500 to $1000 or more, depending on whether or not their parents are show quality.
However, going via a breeder has the advantage of allowing you to ask questions about any concerns that may have arisen with the parent breeds or past litters.
Also, respectable breeders will be able to give health certifications proving that their German Shepherd Poodle puppies have been health-screened and are healthy and adaptable.
Have you discovered the ideal Shepadoodle puppy? It’s now time to bring them up!
Taking care of a Shepadoodle puppy
Taking care of a young puppy is a huge responsibility. There are several excellent resources available to assist you with all areas of puppy care and training.
We can help you make these initial moments with your puppy a pleasant and gratifying experience for both of you, from getting along with other pets through toilet training.
Are you up to the task of caring for a gorgeous German Shepherd Poodle puppy? Here’s what we think.
The German Shepherd Poodle mix is a great dog. But it is a designer dog. I can’t tell you to get one. But if you do, you won’t regret it.
The Shepadoodle is smart and kind. They are loyal and loving. They are even hypoallergenic. It means that their fur won’t cause any allergic reactions.
Even though I don’t support hybrid breeds. This one is worth checking out. Their amazing nature will make you fall in love.
Of course, they need a lot of care as well. You will have to take them on runs and walks. Mental stimulation is a must too. You’ll have to come up with games too.
If you’re thinking to get this dog, know they have many needs. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise you.
Popular Poodle Mixes: The Most Intelligent Designer Dog?