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White Pomeranian: What You Have To Know

White Pomeranian: What You Have To Know

Have you heard about the White Pomeranian? It’s often confused with the Japanese Spitz, however a White Pomeranian is really just that — a Pom with white fur.

Just like regular Poms, White Pomeranians are highly intelligent, alert and affectionate dogs. If you want to learn more about this adorable dog breed, keep reading this article.

Breed Origins 

Poms got their name from their place of origin — Pomerania. It’s in Northeastern Europe and now a part of Germany and Poland.

White is the breed’s original color, which first appeared in 1892.

They lost their dominance when orange made a comeback in championships and began winning titles, and white became lost in a sea of breeders attempting to produce more orange champions.

Unfortunately, the white gene was rapidly overpowered by the introduction and breeding for other colors.

Colored genes are frequently more dominant than recessive white genes. This is one of the reasons why the White Pomeranian has grown increasingly rare in recent years.

The breed did not have as many color options as it does now when it was bred in Pomerania, which is now part of Poland and Germany.

These German Spitz ancestors were also much larger than they are now. They were small to medium-sized sled dogs, weighing 30 lbs (13.6 kg) or more.

These little dogs became popular in England and America thanks to Queen Victoria’s fondness for them.

Marco, her favorite dog, was an Orange Pomeranian who had won numerous awards. The popularity of colorful Pommies grew during the time, and the White Pommies were nearly forgotten.

They are now available in a wide range of hues. They come in a variety of colors, including black and white, merle, and blue! Their coat color adds another degree of majesty to the breed. That’s why they are so loved in the United States. Even by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian.

Temperament & Personality

Pomeranians are a highly intelligent dog breed with a lot of personality. However, some people like to say that these dogs steal the personality of their owners. Their behavior will get fairly similar to yours over time and they adapt very well to many different lifestyles.

They luckily aren’t aggressive. However they may become a bit snappy if you don’t socialize them from an early age.

Make sure you start the training from an early age or you will risk your dog developing small dog syndrome. Because dogs really aren’t aware of how silly they look when they bark at a dog ten times their size.

Also, be aware that Pomeranians are incredibly alert dogs. That means that they will see all unfamiliar things as a threat. That’s also why they make such great watch dogs — they will definitely sense danger before anyone else could.

But all in all, these dogs make great companions. They are easy going, adaptable and loyal to their owners. They can accompany you during hikes, watching movies or cuddling on the couch.

Are they good family dogs?

The White Pomeranian is a wonderful family pet. They’re also a terrific dog for families, singles, and the elderly. They love their owners and are highly loyal to them. They’ll often feel it’s their responsibility to protect you, and they’ll want to be around you at all times.

These dogs are an active breed that will enjoy accompanying you on walks or hikes, although they are better suited to city living. One of the best things about them is that they will fit into any home because they are so little! However, as previously stated, socialization is critical if they decide to bark at strangers – else, your neighbors may despise you!

Children and other pets in the house are usually tolerated by the Pomeranian, especially if they have been raised with them. The Pomeranian is a small, fragile dog, and young children can be rough with them. They are often better suited to older teenagers than young children. Smaller dogs and other animals can be mistaken for prey by these dogs, so keep an eye out for this. This is also why it is critical to begin socializing at a young age.

White Pomeranians and their owners

White Pomeranians are known for having extremely close relationships with their owners.

In fact, the White Pomeranian’s behavior might be said to mimic that of its owner! For example, if you are a confident and outgoing person, your White Pom will behave similarly.

Alternatively, if you are relatively calm and quiet, your White Pom will be much more peaceful. Your White Pomeranian will genuinely enjoy spending time with you and will want to spend as much time with you as possible.

They have a lot of energy, so playtime will undoubtedly be their favorite part of the day. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to form a strong bond with you and expend a lot of energy.

This is an excellent approach to guarantee that your White Pom does not overexert himself on a strenuous hike. When you play with your White Pom indoors or in your backyard, you can keep an eye on them and watch them.

If you notice your White Pom is becoming overly fatigued, you can put a stop to playtime and let your dog to relax. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from playing again later! Simply go with the flow and observe your puppy’s reaction.

When walking your White Pomeranian, keep in mind that he or she has short legs. Strenuous excursions across miles and miles of rugged terrain will not appeal to them. Taking your White Pomeranian for one or two short walks per day is the finest thing you can do for them. You could go for a walk in the park early in the morning and then again in the evening.


They pretty much look like a miniature adorable white fox. You’ll notice that they have dark, brilliant eyes and short ears that stick up.

So, yeah, it’s all a little foxy. Your White Pomeranian is a square breed with a short back and a square build. Furthermore, their tail is quite long and sits fairly flat on their back in terms of placement.

The White Pomeranian is a strong breed with medium bones, so despite their little size, they are rather powerful. As previously said, the White Pomeranian belongs to the toy breed family, making them one of the smallest dog breeds.

They weigh between 3 and 7 pounds and grow to be between 6-7 inches tall. You would believe this is a modest size for a White Pomeranian, but that’s because they have a lot of fur, which gives them the appearance of being much larger.

Obviously, your White Pomeranian will have a stunning white hue. He is a double-coated breed, which implies that their undercoat is relatively short and dense.

The double-coat is due to the fact that the undercoat has longer guard hairs that protect them from the outdoors. The fur formation is quite similar to that of a lion’s mane, so you’ll have your very own fluff ball with its own mane!

Overall, if you’re seeking for a devoted and friendly companion, the White Pomeranian is the dog for you. This dog would also be ideal if you have a hectic schedule that does not demand long walks or day trips.

Your White Pomeranian will enjoy playing with you and spending time with you; we are confident that they will make an excellent friend.


The White Pomeranian is double-coated, so you better be prepared for a lot of shedding. Daily brushing can help to keep the shedding under control and their coat in good condition.

Take your time while brushing your dogs coat so that you don’t risk tangles in their precious fur.

Take your dog to regular grooming appointments to get a professional wash and blow-out. One thing you can definitely be sure about — Pomeranians aren’t low maintenance. They are the complete opposite.

Additionally, don’t forget about their teeth and nails too. And of course, don’t overlook cleaning their ears either.


Although the White Pomeranian is a bright dog, that does not imply they are easy to train. They can be stubborn, so you must be tough and consistent with them; nevertheless, once you’ve established a routine, training them should be simple.

When it comes to trainability, their high intelligence is here a blessing and a curse. If you don’t start the training process early, Pomeranians could become pretty stubborn and unlikely to follow your commands.

Reward-based and positive reinforcement training work best for these canines. This includes both verbal and physical praise. Never get upset or irritated with your White Pomeranian since it will make them unwilling to learn.


When it comes to people they know, the White Pomeranian is a friendly dog, but when it comes to strangers, they can be aloof. They can be hostile toward strangers and bark at them, which is why socialization from a young age is critical. You’ll have to introduce them to new individuals in a safe setting so they understand there’s no danger.

When it comes to introducing the Pomeranian to children, socialization is crucial. This applies not only to the dog, but also to the children, particularly if they are young. You must teach your children to treat the Pomeranian with gentleness; otherwise, the Pomeranian may feel intimidated and bark.

When your White Pomeranian is young, you should also introduce them to new sights, noises, locations, and smells so that they are well accustomed to the outside world!


The White Pomeranian is an energetic breed, but only in comparison to its size. These puppies require 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise and can even accompany you on your walks or hikes. If you have the opportunity, walk them on a leash.

If you have a yard for them to play in, make sure it’s fenced and that you’re watching them! They’ve been known to get away through tiny gaps in the fence. Larger prey, like as birds, may mistake them for rabbits, which is why you must keep an eye on them when they are outside playing.


Just like every other toy breed, White Pomeranians can also suffer from luxating patella. This is a medical condition where the kneecap sits outside of it’s normal anatomical position.

This condition can highly lower the quality of your dog’s knee joints and make it difficult for him to move.

The Pom also often suffers from tracheal collapse.
This basically means that their windpipe is weaker than usual which will result in difficulties breathing.

Another possible health concern is alopecia, when dogs have bald patches over their skin.

However, most Pomeranians will live a long a healthy life with their life expectancy being about 14 years.

Most common health problems

Patella Luxation

Many toy dog breeds, such as Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Pugs, and Pomeranians, suffer from this health issue. Genetics and the form of the bones are the main causes of patella luxation, commonly known as slipping kneecaps.

The patella, or kneecaps, are located within the tendon of the thigh muscles. The tendon is a stiff, inelastic band of tissue that connects the muscle to the bony connection. The patella will be loose and move back and forth underneath the tendons if your Pom has patella luxation.

The patella, or kneecap, is a tiny bone in the knee area that lies beneath the tendon of the thigh muscles. The kneecaps become displaced and begin to slip in and out of this tendon if your Pomeranian has patella luxation. In an attempt to reassign the kneecap to its proper position, he may limp on the affected leg and stretch it occasionally.

Tracheal Collapse

Tracheal Collapse is another significant health danger for little dogs. The trachea (also known as the windpipe) is a circular cartilage group that helps mammals to breathe. If these get weakened, they may collapse, narrowing the space available. Due to the development of dry, harsh coughing and gagging, your dog’s breathing becomes more difficult.

Tight collar and genetic disposition from over-breeding are two major causes of tracheal collapse. Tracheal collapse can occur if the trachea is frequently compressed by a tight collar.

Pharyngeal Gag Reflex

When they experience a rapid and powerful inhale of air through their nostrils, they have a pharyngeal gag reaction, often known as reverse sneezing. Poms that have experienced reverse sneezing have been described as sounding as if they are attempting to sneeze.

Reverse sneezing can be caused by a variety of things, including tooth infections, nasal irritation, and environmental irritants like smoke and pollen. An inflamed larynx or palate, which can produce spasms in those areas, is another cause of this health concern.

Coat Loss

Pomeranians are susceptible to a coat loss condition known as Severe Hair Loss Syndrome (SHLS). The hair will begin to grow normally, but it will thin out with time, becoming more apparent around the back and bottom.

Alopecia X, also known as Black Skin Disease, is a condition that affects puppies with thick coats and no guard hairs that do not shed. When these coats are shed, guard hairs are left behind, which might irritate them.

Another variant of a similar issue occurs at a later age, when the hair begins to grow normally, but as time goes, it begins to thin out, beginning at the rear and progressing to the bottom. To avoid exacerbating the problem, it’s critical to have the coat evaluated and the underlying problem identified.


In this condition the thyroid gland produces an exceptionally little amount of hormone. A common sign of this illness is infertility. Some of the more noticeable symptoms include obesity, mental dullness, drooping eyes, low energy levels, and irregular heat cycles. The skin gets thick and black, and the dog’s fur becomes harsh and brittle, falling off. Hypothyroidism is treated by giving the dog daily medication for the remainder of his life. Thankfully, a dog who receives daily thyroid medication can have a long and happy life.

Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s Disease is a condition that affects dogs who are stressed or anxious. High quantities of a hormone called cortisol are produced by this condition, which is generally accompanied by a tumor.

Heart Problems

All dogs are susceptible to heart disease, which should be treated properly even if it is moderate. Pomeranians, like humans, are susceptible to heart disease if they have a bad genetic history as well as unhealthy habits such as obesity, lack of exercise, and insufficient socialization.

Dogs can avoid heart disease by eating well-balanced meals, exercising regularly, and getting regular exams.


That’s right, you read that correctly. Canines, too, can develop epilepsy and seizures. The frequency of a seizure and epilepsy differs significantly. One’s a seizure if your pomeranian has had it once or several times. Epilepsy is diagnosed if the symptom persists.


Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are abnormally low, and it is more frequent than you might believe. Glucose is a sugar produced by the digestion of food that can be present in our bodies.

Hypoglycemia is most commonly caused by a puppy’s poor diet and lack of food. While a puppy needs to move around more, such as when exercising or walking, he or she requires more glucose to function.

Because glucose fuels the body for energy, a young puppy with hypoglycemia will be tired. The puppy will become weak and lethargic without the energy-giving glucose. In severe situations, the puppy may have a seizure and, in the worst-case scenario, become comatose and die.


Cataracts are a prevalent cause of blindness in older dogs. His eyes’ lenses grow more opaque—in other words, fuzzy instead of clear. Many dogs adjust well to losing their vision and go on to have happy lives. Surgical excision of cataracts and vision restoration may also be an option.

White Pomeranian FAQ

Do White Pomeranians change colors as they grow?

There’s a chance they’ll do so. However, this will only happen if your Pomeranian puppy was born with orange, cream, or white parti-colors.

When these hues are still young, they can appear as white Pomeranian puppies. They change hues as they grow, revealing that they aren’t white poms after all.

Examine the fur behind their ears to see if your white puppy Pomeranian will change color as it matures. If there are no additional colors present, such as cream or orange, your puppy will most likely grow up to be a full white adult Pomeranian.

Furthermore, if you get your puppy from a reputable breeder, you may expect a guarantee that you will receive a full-grown white Pomeranian.

Are white Pomeranians recognized by Kennel Clubs?

The American Kennel Club recognizes the white Pomeranian in the United States. Although they are thought to have existed from the 1890s, the white variant was not officially recognized until the 1900s.

Different clubs throughout the world acknowledge the white pom type, including The United Kingdom Kennel Club, The Canadian Kennel Club, Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), and The Australian Kennel Club.

Can a white Pomeranian to compete in dog shows?

Yes, you can enter a white Pomeranian in dog shows and competitions. Depending on the kennel club, however, different admission rules apply.

The American Kennel Club (AKC), for example, accepts all Pomeranian colors (including patterns and variants).

Except for Merle, all solid hues and parti-colored Pomeranians are accepted by the English Kennel Club and the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Is it true that white Pomeranians are rare?

They are, indeed. It’s difficult to find a pure white Pomeranian puppy. As previously stated, breeding them can be tough, and it can take a long time to acquire a litter with nothing but a white coat.

Because the genes for colored coats are more prevalent, Pomeranian pups are more likely to be born with a color other than white.

Furthermore, even if breeders are successful in producing an authentic white litter, they must avoid overbreeding. Otherwise, there will be differences in the size and quality of the pup’s coat.

How do White Pomeranians get their white coat?

It’s all about obtaining the recessive white gene to show up in a real white Pomeranian, sometimes known as a “ice white” Pomeranian. Because the white gene is non-dominant, getting an authentic white usually requires years of breeding.

Breeders would need to “breed out” the other dominating colors. The Chinchilla gene is responsible for the transformation of pom white.

Crossing a wolf sable and a cream-colored dog to get a white is one approach to induce this gene to show up.

Instead of just breeding a white dog with a white dog, a wolf sable and cream sable is suitable because the quality of the fur declines.

The wolf sable will allow for a lighter coat while yet maintaining softness and fineness.

What is the rarest color of the Pomeranian?

While ice-white Pomeranians are uncommon, purple is the most uncommon color coat in a Pomeranian. They’re a light gray with a bluish tinge to their coat that gives them a lavender or lilac color. It’s worth noting, though, that this color isn’t AKC-approved.

The white Pomeranian, a red Pomeranian (one with a strong reddish-orange fur), and an all-black Pomeranian with no other markings are all rare colors.

What is the origin of White Pomeranians?

White Pomeranians, along with black and cream, were once the most popular colors for this breed. White poms used to be much bigger than they are now.

When Queen Victoria arrived with her newly adopted orange Pomeranian, though, breeders took notice and began breeding colored and parti-colored varieties.

The other hues became very popular, and there was a lot of demand for them. The ice-white Pomeranian is now an uncommon breed that necessitates specific breeding criteria.

How big do white Pomeranians get?

A Pomeranian’s size remains roughly same regardless of color. Pomeranians are classified as a toy breed.

This means that established kennels, such as the AKC, classify them as having a weight of 3-7 lbs. and a height of 6-7 inches.

However, some dog enthusiasts are looking for a little white Pomeranian or a white teacup Pomeranian.

How much does a white Pomeranian cost?

A Pomeranian can cost anywhere from $500 to $6,000 from a breeder, though they are most usually found for $800 to $2,000. Specific Pomeranians, such as the white Pomeranian, might be more expensive. So expect to pay at least $1000.

In addition, anticipate to spend at least $1,000 in the first year on dog-related expenses such as dishes, toys, bedding, and healthcare, as well as the cost of rearing a puppy. The dog can cost between $1,000 and $3,200 every year after that.

Note that these figures exclude emergency care and non-standard charges such as pet deposits, speciality equipment, and out-of-the-ordinary medical treatment. A smaller breed, such as a pomeranian, will cost less than a larger breed. Mostly because they eat less food and are generally more healthy.

What factors influence the price?

So, why is there such a wide range of prices for a Pomeranian puppy? Because there are numerous variables that effect it. Puppy quality, location, and coat color are all aspects to consider.


One of the most significant factors influencing pricing is a dog’s “quality.” Although health does play a factor in establishing a dog’s quality, it does not always reflect its health, personality, or behavior. Quality, on the other hand, refers to how well a dog can be expected to perform in conformity competitions and how well it can be expected to breed similar puppies.

Mixed breeds, or dogs that are a mix of Pomeranian and another breed, are the least expensive and are less expensive than purebred Pomeranians. Designer mixes in high demand, such as the Pomsky and Pomchi, will cost more than less desirable combinations, but are still typically less expensive than even pet quality purebreds. Poms are members of the German Spitz family and are related to the original dog breed.

Pet-quality Poms are purebred dogs with a defect that precludes them from competing in dog shows or indicates that they should not be bred. These dogs can still make fantastic pets and are a lot less expensive than show dogs. They can still compete in non-conformity events like agility and obedience contests, as well as be trained as service or therapy dogs.

Health & Faults

Reputable breeders will provide a list of the dog’s flaws as well as the results of health testing to assist you understand why the dog is pet quality, and they will usually spay or neuter the dog before the sale or ask you to do so after you take the dog.

Pet quality canines with major health concerns are often marked down in price if sold at all (many breeders choose to care for these dogs themselves), but good breeders will have even greater requirements for the household these dogs go to in order to assure that they’ll be properly cared for.

Demonstrate excellence The most expensive are poms, which can cost up to $10,000. These are show-quality Pomeranians that meet breed criteria and can be bred to create more show-quality Pomeranians.

The degree of adherence to breed standards, pedigree, and health all influence price within each of these groupings. The more detailed the health history, as well as the dog’s competing and breeding history, the higher the cost.


The location of a breeder has a significant impact on the pricing of their puppies.

For starters, breeders must be able to meet their expenses. Breeders must charge more to be able to continue breeding in a region with a high cost of living. Breeders in places where animal breeding is highly regulated will have to charge extra for their canines to offset the costs of complying with the restrictions.

A region’s market has an impact as well. Demand for Pomeranians is high, which means greater pricing, especially if individuals who want Pomeranians also have larger wallets. If there are a lot of competing Pomeranian sellers, on the other hand, the price drops.

Season of the Year

The “where” is crucial, but so is the “when.” People looking for canine companions for beach outings, walks, and other warm-weather activities are in high demand for dogs from late spring through late summer. As a result, breeders raise their prices throughout the summer months.

The rest of the year, on the other hand, sees a decline in demand, with winter being the slowest. As a result, breeders lower their prices to match demand and avoid having to keep unsold puppies.


We keep repeating “breeders” because they’re the easiest and most common way to find a purebred Pomeranian, especially if you’re looking for a puppy, but they’re not the only option. You can also adopt a Pomeranian from a shelter. But first, let’s talk about breeders.

As previously stated, you can expect to pay between $1,000 and $3,000 when purchasing from a breeder.

Registration (or the paperwork needed to register), a health guarantee, age-appropriate vaccination, microchipping, lifetime breeder support, and early socialization are usually included. Spaying or neutering is usually included in the price of a Pomeranian that is intended to be a pet rather than a show or breeding dog.

An experienced breeder with a track record of producing high-quality dogs will price more than a new breeder or one who just produces pet-quality dogs.


Adoption fees often run between $200 and $400 at animal rescues, while there are many suitable Pomeranians for less than $100. Adoption fees sometimes include the costs of spaying or neutering, age-appropriate vaccination, and microchipping, but not genetic testing or registration paperwork.

Although rescued dogs aren’t usually guaranteed to be healthy, many animal rescues are happy to assist you cover the costs of expensive and unexpected medical treatment if you can’t afford it on your own. Another downside is that your dog probably won’t be at a puppy age.

Pet shop

Despite the fact that these pups nearly exclusively come from puppy mills and other low-quality breeders, puppies purchased from a pet store are often equivalent in price or more expensive than canines purchased from breeders.

These puppies are typically undersocialized and were not bred to be free of health issues. Though most puppies come with a health guarantee, it usually only applies in a limited number of circumstances and usually just offers to replace the puppy you’ve grown to love rather than provide the necessary care.

Buying a dog from a pet store is not a good idea. These canines will not only cost you more up front, but they will also cost you more in the long run, both financially and emotionally.

Coat, gender and age

Coats for Pomeranians available in a wide range of colors and patterns. Solid-colored coats are usually more expensive than multicolored coats. Rarer colors, such as black, white, lavender, and blue, command a greater premium than more frequent colors, such as red and orange, in solid coats.

Female Pomeranians are usually more expensive than males since females are in higher demand.

Adults are normally less expensive than pups, however show dogs can be extremely costly.

Other expenses

Don’t forget that the cost of your new dog isn’t the only thing you’ll have to pay. You’ll also want to make sure you have all of the supplies you’ll need to care for them.

This includes food, snacks, bowls, toys, a kennel, a bed, a leash, a collar, a harness, a tag, toilet training supplies, basic grooming products, cleaning supplies, and any storage and organizational tools you’ll need to keep everything together. Additionally, you must ensure that your home is puppy-proofed prior to their arrival.

When you obtain your Pomeranian, you’ll have to pay for its initial medical care. This involves a physical examination as well as any additional vaccinations that may be required. You should also think about microchipping and spaying or neutering your pet. Enroll them in a training class as soon as possible. This will ensure that your puppy grows up to be a well-behaved, socialized dog.

While you’re here, why not learn about other dog breeds as well:

My name is Katy and I am 27. I love to travel and you would be surprised how good I am at karaoke. 🙂 Passionate dog lover and a "mother" to a beautiful toy puddle named Zara. I work as a volunteer in a local shelter and I am a veterinary assistant helping our four-legged friends every day.