Have you ever heard of the Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie? Of course, you have! The adorable, but feisty smol bean is hard to forget. But, have you ever heard of the Parti Yorkie?
If not, then this is the article for you! Here you’ll learn all about this toy breed. The first and most important thing to know about them is that they really are a Yorkie Terrier! It’s just a color variation of that breed and not a separate breed. What’s different about them is that their fur color is a combination of three colors, black, gold, and chocolate!
While you’re here you can read more about Parti Yorkie puppies:
Besides this you can learn more about Yorkies in general and their mixes:
- White Yorkie: Everything You Should Know
- Yorkie Poo Puppies: The fluffiest companion
- Yorkie Pomeranian Mix: Small And Feisty
What is a Parti Yorkie?
The Parti Yorkie’s history is sparse in terms of statistics and specifics. They were characterized as tri-colored Yorkshire terriers in the early references recorded in the 1800s.
The Maltese, according to some historians, may have been used to develop the Yorkie.
In certain litters, tri-colored Yorkies and the extremely unusual white Yorkies might arise. Because they were deemed unattractive, they were not bred anymore.
Because of their coat color, Parti Yorkies were either given away or euthanized. This is a behavior that we today consider cruel, although it was common until the late twentieth century.

IG: itsbobathepartiyorkie
Mrs. Gloria Lipman of Nikko’s Kennels, for example, refused to euthanize her white Yorkshire terriers. Parti Yorkies are now receiving much-deserved attention and respect as a result of her efforts.
The Parti Yorkie and its bloodlines were formally recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2000. According to the breed standard, Parti Yorkies are tri-colored, with black, white, and tan fur.
The Parti Gene is found in purebred Yorkies, despite its many hues. A Parti Yorkie may and will appear in a purebred Yorkshire Terrier’s litter.
The Parti gene is a recessive gene that creates the Parti color. This means that for Parti Yorkie puppies to be born, both parents must be carriers of the Parti gene. Parti Yorkies are essentially the same as regular Yorkies, with the exception of their color. This distinction was deemed undesirable, and as a result, it was not bred further.
Today this has changed. Since they’re recognized by the AKC the tri-color Yorkies are becoming just as popular as the classic Yorkie. However, they are very rare. We still don’t know which Yorkshire Terriers carry the Parti Yorkie color coat gene. This means that Parti Yorkies are basically born at random.
Are they purebred?
The Parti Yorkie wasn’t accepted for a long time, not even by breeders. They would even either just give away these puppies, or euthanize the poor puppies… Breeders didn’t view Parti Yorkies as purebred dogs, and besides that no one wanted them.
Today this has changed a lot. Since the AKC included them in the standard list of Yorkie colors, breeders have changed their behavior towards them. Obviously, if the AKC accepts them, that means they are purebred and have the same traits as other Yorkies. But, some breeders still believe these dogs shouldn’t be on the standard list. They think that tri-color Yorkies are a result of crossbreeding Maltese dogs with Yorkies. But there is no proof of that whatsoever.
Height: | 7 to 8 inches |
Weight: | 4 to 7 pounds |
Breed type: | Toy breed |
Color variations: | Tricolor (white, black, and tan), Black bluish-silver |
Temperament: | Intelligent, loving, loyal, tenacious, courageous, and confident |
Purpose: | Companion and family pet |
Suitable for: | Adult homes |
The story of how Parti Yorkies got accepted by the AKC is worth telling too. Now, breeders used to euthanize tri-colored Yorkies, and a female breeder named Gloria Lipman got wind of it. She refused to kill the puppies. Then she met Loryn Bogren, who also didn’t want these poor puppies to get killed.
So, they paired up and decided to get in touch with the AKC. That’s where they did DNA tests of Parti Yorkies to really see what their genetic makeup is. They tested 42 litters! And after that, the AKC could finally confirm that the Parti Yorkie is indeed a purebred Yorkshire Terrier.
The Partie Yorkie has a petite head and a muzzle that is medium in length. He has a flat bite and his teeth are straight. He has medium-sized, spherical eyes that are around the same size as his black nose.
The ears of a Parti Yorkie are triangular and pointy, and they sit on each side of its head. Their paws are round, and their toenails are black and curled. Although Parti Yorkies are born with dewclaws, most breeders have them removed while the puppies are still young.
Breeders usually dock this little dog’s tail to a medium length since it coils upwards and sits higher than its back. It has a fine, silky coat that gets long and lustrous as it matures. The Parti Yorkie’s fur gets long, and owners can opt to cut it short or tie it back with a clip or band to assist the dog’s sight.
The Parti Yorkie is a miniature Yorkie, as previously stated. When fully grown, the Parti Yorkie is 8 to 9 inches tall and weighs 5 to 7 pounds. Depending on the parents’ DNA, certain Parti Yorkies may be born larger or smaller than this.
Parti Yorkies fit into almost any luggage and may be carried in tiny carriers. The Parti Yorkie is easy to transport due to its compact size.
It’s time to talk about the Parti Yorkie’s coat. Parti Yorkies, like classic Yorkshire Terriers, have a long and silky coat that drapes straight down on both sides of their back. Its coat gets particularly long on the nose, ears, and forehead.
Parti Yorkies have white coats with two-color markings. Brown or golden, and black, blue, or silver are the most common other colors. The Parti Yorkie’s ears, forehead, and snout are usually covered with brown or golden patterns. The black, blue, or silver markings can also be seen on the dog’s ears, forehead, and nose, but they will almost always be visible on the back and tail.
Most Parti Yorkie owners groom their pets to keep their coats short. When Parti Yorkies are entered in dog shows, they usually have full-length coats to match the AKC’s coat criteria.
The coat of the Party Yorkie is long and straight, with feathers on the neck, tail, and nose. This breed is notorious for having bangs, which make it difficult for the Parti Yorkie to see. This is why Parti Yorkie owners frequently tie their dogs’ bangs back to help them see and keep them out of their food.
Color variations
We know that Parti Yorkie pups come in a range of hues, from white markings to black hair, but there are also various Parti Color Yorkie color variations.
The Golden or Blonde Yorkie is exactly what it sounds like. They have the appearance of a classic Yorkshire Terrier, however, they are neither brown nor black in color. Golden Yorkies are either full gold or gold with white markings. They range in hue from a lighter blonde gold to deep, rich gold.
Chocolate Parti Yorkies are exactly what they say they are. They have the same appearance as a regular Yorkshire Terrier, however, they are totally brown. Chocolate Yorkies are unique, but they’re assumed to be the consequence of a parent that carries the chocolate gene twice.
These are just a few of the most eye-catching Parti Yorkie color options!
Do Parti Yorkies change color?
Yes, Parti Yorkie puppies’ coat color changes as they mature. However, there is no set time frame for when this transition will begin and finish. The color-changing procedure will differ from one dog to the next in general.
Nonetheless, the most usual period for this process to begin is around the 6-month point in the dog’s life. This procedure might take up to three years! It normally comes to an end when the dog reaches the age of 30 to 36 months.
Another thing to keep in mind is that as your dog’s color changes, so does the weight of their hair. Because of the heavier and thicker strands of hair, your dog’s coat will grow thinner and lighter.
One of the pleasures of owning a Parti Yorkie is the color-changing process. There can be instances when your dog’s coat color is drastically different from what it was previously!
As a general rule, the ultimate coat color of your Yorkie will be lighter than the one it had as a puppy.
Parti Yorkies vs Biewer Terriers
Biewer Terriers and Parti Yorkies can sometimes be confused. Both are Yorkshire Terrier ancestors, and their markings may be quite similar. As a result, and naturally, many people mix up the two breeds.
Werner and Gertrude Biewer, breeders of Biewer Terriers, found them in Germany. The dogs’ bodies are colored white, black, and golden, with darker lines dividing the hues.
The Biewers were thrilled with the dog’s appearance and were soon able to develop a reputation for consistently producing Biewers. In terms of gaining formal recognition and status, Biewer Terriers have traveled a long way. They were recognized as a separate breed by the AKC in 2019 under the Miscellaneous category.
While they have a lot in common with Parti Yorkies in terms of appearance, there are a few distinctions to be aware of. Parti Yorkies and Biewer Terriers differ mostly in the following ways:
1. Due to a lack of breeders, Biewers are significantly harder to come by than Parti Yorkies.
2. The Biewer Terrier has an undocked tail, but the Parti Yorkie has one.
3. Parti Yorkies can be registered as Biewer Terriers, but not vice versa.
The personality of the Parti Yorkie
The Parti Yorkie is an excellent pet for a friend. They’re noted for their vibrancy and magnetism. Yorkies have a reputation for being loving, clever, and attentive. Because they create such close ties with people, these little dogs are protective of their owners.
Parti Yorkies, on the other hand, are prone to a condition known as Small Dog Syndrome. Most small breeds develop Small Dog Syndrome, which is a series of behaviors. Jumping up at humans, hostility against other dogs, especially larger dogs, barking at strangers, and asking for food are all characteristics of this breed.
The way most dog owners handle their small pets is typically what causes this condition. Small dogs’ owners like to indulge them and give them anything they want since they are small and beautiful. Small dogs get spoiled and accustomed to having their way as a result of this treatment.
Because of their proclivity for being watchful, Parti Yorkies make great watchdogs. They’re distrustful of outsiders and fiercely protective of their homes and loved ones. Parti Yorkies should be socialized early in life since they are extra cautious. This will help them adjust to new people and animals.
Because the Parti Yorkie is easily threatened by larger dogs, it’s a good idea to start socializing your Parti Yorkie with them while it’s young. This will assist them to learn that a difference in size isn’t a threat and will lessen any anxiety or aggressiveness they may have towards larger canines.
Are they good family dogs?
Now, the Parti Yorkie can make a wonderful family dog, but there is one disclaimer: if you have small children, it may not be the ideal decision.
In the great scheme of things, Yorkies are joyful, lively, and affectionate, but they are also incredibly delicate. If you have a Parti Yorkie, you’ll want to be sure that everyone in the family is competent of handling smaller canines.
If your family, on the other hand, consists of adults with some older children, we would advise you to go ahead! In the appropriate home, parti-colored Yorkies may be wonderful family dogs.
How to Look After a Parti Yorkie
Despite its small size, the Partie Yorkie is a high-maintenance dog. These little canines have lengthy coats that must be maintained on a regular basis. Because of their tiny mouths, they are also prone to tooth and gum disorders. Yorkies are supposed to live with owners who will take care of their grooming and dental needs on a regular basis.
The good news is that providing enough food and exercise for Parti Yorkies is simple. The Parti Yorkie requires only around a cup of food and a few minutes of exercise every day. Partie Yorkies are excellent lapdogs for people who do not lead extremely busy lifestyles.
Grooming a Parti Yorkie is the most challenging aspect of caring for one. Parti Yorkies require daily grooming since their long, delicate hair may easily become tangled if not brushed regularly. The lengthy coat of the Parti Yorkie necessitates hours of brushing, which may be quite tedious.
You may maintain your Parti Yorkie’s coat short to save time while grooming it by cutting it yourself or having it cut by a professional groomer. You will need to brush your Parti Yorkie every day if you desire to retain its full-length coat.
When brushing your Parti Yorkie, it’s ideal to use a pin brush since it helps remove knots. A detangling comb may also be used to remove knots and mats from your Parti Yorkie’s fur.
Despite its lengthy coat, the Parti Yorkie does not require frequent bathing. To keep your Parti Yorkie’s coat shining, you’ll only need to bathe it every couple of months. Of course, if you notice that your Parti Yorkie’s coat is soiled or if your Parti Yorkie has an accident, you should bathe him.
When bathing your Parti Yorkie, be sure you choose a shampoo designed for dogs with long hair. These shampoos are designed to properly moisten your dog’s fur and remove knots and mats.
The Parti Yorkie does not require a lot of food on a daily basis. You should give your Parti Yorkie roughly 0.16 pounds of puppy chow every day while it is still a puppy. It will require roughly 0.33 pounds of dog food per day until it reaches adulthood.
The feeding of a Parti Yorkie puppy should be divided into three to four meals each day. Food for adult Parti Yorkies should be split into two meals each day.
To protect your Parti Yorkie’s teeth, feed them dry food. Their kibble should be high in protein, easy to digest, high in Omega-3, and free of artificial additives.
Greens, sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, and strawberries are some tasty, healthy, and safe snack alternatives to consider. Healthy and nourishing!
Because the Parti Yorkie is a high-energy dog, it requires consistent exercise on a daily basis. To be fit and maintain a balanced weight and build, Parti Yorkies require around 30 minutes of activity every day.
Parti Yorkies should be kept as indoor dogs and spend most of their time with their families inside. You may get adequate exercise for your Parti Yorkie by taking it for daily walks or indulging in active playing.
Small toys, like as balls, soft toys, and small chew toys, will be enjoyed by your Parti Yorkie.
You may also give your Parti Yorkie some exercise by teaching him tricks. Parti Yorkies are bright dogs, and with a little work and positive reinforcement, you can quickly teach them skills. Although Parti Yorkies adore playing, they also benefit from tricks, agility courses, and puzzle toys that stimulate their minds.
Parti Yorkie Health
The average lifespan of a Parti Yorkie is 12-15 years. However, Parti Yorkies, like other breeds, are susceptible to a variety of health issues including hereditary illnesses.
Parti Yorkies, as a petite breed, are prone to the same health difficulties as other small breeds. It’s critical to learn about your Parti Yorkie’s medical history in order to predict what health difficulties it could have as it grows older.
Reputable breeders will be open and honest about the health of your puppy and its parents. The parts that follow will go over some of the most frequent health problems that Parti Yorkies have, as well as their symptoms and how they’re treated.
Most common health problems
Hypertension is a condition in which your Parti Yorkie’s blood pressure is high all over his body. This problem is more frequent in older dogs, although it can also be brought on by stressful situations. An underlying condition is frequently to blame. Secondary hypertension is defined as hypertension that is caused by an underlying condition. Primary hypertension occurs when there is no underlying illness.
Sudden blindness, convulsions, paralysis, increased drinking and urination, nosebleeds, and irregular heart rhythms are all indications of hypertension. Blood testing and heart rate monitoring are usually used by veterinarians to identify hypertension in dogs.
The therapy for hypertension is determined on whether or not there is an underlying cause. Hypertension might cause your dog to develop additional significant issues, necessitating hospitalization. Once your dog’s blood pressure has been controlled, maintenance medication and a diet to help regulate blood pressure will be provided.
Tracheal Collapse
Tracheal collapse occurs when a dog’s trachea, or airway, collapses, making breathing difficult for the Parti Yorkie. It is caused by a flaw or weakening of the dog’s trachea and usually develops as the dog ages.
Difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, blue gums, and fainting are all signs of tracheal collapse. It’s critical to keep an eye on your Parti Yorkie as it grows older since tracheal collapse is easier to detect early. If your dog is left alone for too long, tracheal collapse can soon become serious, if not fatal.
Medications and weight loss are frequently used to treat tracheal collapse. If your Parti Yorkie has tracheal collapse, your veterinarian will prescribe medication to lessen the inflammation in your dog’s airway. Controlling your dog’s weight will also make breathing easier for him.
Some dogs are given an intraluminal stent in more severe situations. It is easily implanted by a veterinarian and has been shown to significantly improve the condition of dogs with tracheal collapse. Surgery is seldom required to treat tracheal collapse thanks to this treatment.
Patellar Luxation
Patellar luxation occurs when the kneecap of a dog slips out of its femoral groove. This is a typical problem with tiny breeds, such as the Parti Yorkie. Trauma or injury can induce this disease, or it might develop as a dog ages. If both parents of a Parti Yorkie have patellar luxation, it can be passed down genetically.
Limping, shaking the afflicted limb, and bow-leggedness are all indications of patellar luxation. It’s diagnosed with a physical exam and verified with an x-ray from your veterinarian.
The severity of your Parti Yorkie’s patellar luxation determines the therapy. Patellar luxation is graded on a four-point scale to measure the severity of your dog’s ailment. Physical treatment with the aid of your veterinarian can repair grade 1 patellar luxation. Patellar luxation with the severity of grade 2 or above, on the other hand, will necessitate surgery.
Pharyngeal Gag Reflex
When they experience a rapid and powerful inhale of air through their nostrils, some dogs have a pharyngeal gag reaction, often known as reverse sneezing. Yorkies that have experienced reverse sneezing have been described as sounding as if they are attempting to sneeze.
Reverse sneezing can be caused by a variety of things, including tooth infections, nasal irritation, and environmental irritants like smoke and pollen. An inflamed larynx or palate, which can produce spasms in those areas, is another cause of this health concern.
In this condition, the thyroid gland produces an exceptionally little amount of hormones. A common sign of this illness is infertility. Some of the more noticeable symptoms include obesity, mental dullness, drooping eyes, low energy levels, and irregular heat cycles. The skin gets thick and black, and the dog’s fur becomes harsh and brittle, falling off.
Hypothyroidism is treated by giving the dog daily medication for the remainder of his life. Thankfully, a dog who receives daily thyroid medication can have a long and happy life.
Cushing’s Syndrome
Cushing’s Disease is a condition that affects dogs who are stressed or anxious. High quantities of a hormone called cortisol are produced by this condition, which is generally accompanied by a tumor.
Heart Problems
All dogs are susceptible to heart disease, which should be treated properly even if it is moderate. Yorkies, like humans, are susceptible to heart disease if they have a bad genetic history as well as unhealthy habits such as obesity, lack of exercise, and insufficient socialization.
Dogs can avoid heart disease by eating well-balanced meals, exercising regularly, and getting regular exams.
That’s right, you read that correctly. Canines, too, can develop epilepsy and seizures. The frequency of a seizure and epilepsy differs significantly. Epilepsy is diagnosed if the seizures persist.
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are abnormally low, and it is more frequent than you might believe. Glucose is a sugar produced by the digestion of food that can be present in our bodies.
Hypoglycemia is most commonly caused by a puppy’s poor diet and lack of food. While a puppy needs to move around more, such as when exercising or walking, he or she requires more glucose to function.
Because glucose fuels the body for energy, a young puppy with hypoglycemia will be tired. The puppy will become weak and lethargic without the energy-giving glucose. In severe situations, the puppy may have a seizure and, in the worst-case scenario, become comatose and die.
Buying a Parti Yorkie
If you look up prices of Yorkies on the internet you’ll find that they cost between 1500 and 3000 dollars. Of course, the price depends on your area and the breeder.
But, the truth is, those puppies that cost 1500 dollars are usually from bad breeders. A reputable breeder will ask for 3000 dollars and up for a healthy Yorkshire Terrier.
And to be honest, that’s a fair price! Why? Well, first you know who the parents are, you know their health history, which medications and vaccines they got. You also know the puppies got treated for any possible health problem and got their vaccines. Basically, you know you’re getting a healthy puppy. But with bad breeders, you do not know that.
Now, are tri-colored Yorkies more expensive? On the website PuppySpot we found one Tri-colored Yorkie and many “classic” Yorkies. The Parti Yorkie costs $3949, while the “classic” Yorkie costs $3649. As you can see there is a bit of a difference in pricing. This is because Yorkies usually don’t have a large litter, and in addition to that, it’s rare that any of the puppies will be tri-colored. Meaning they are rare, and can sometimes be a bit more expensive.
Where can I find a Parti Yorkie?
Start with the AKC’s breeder database because Yorkshire Terriers are registered with them. All breeders must adhere to the AKC’s stringent health and behavior standards, so choosing an affiliate breeder assures you you’ll get a healthy puppy who will live a long life.
Start looking for Parti Yorkie breeders once you’ve gone through the master list of AKC Yorkie breeders. It’s not a good idea to hope that two conventional Yorkies will have a Parti Yorkie by coincidence.
Make sure the breeder you chose explains their handling and socialization procedures with the puppies throughout the 8 weeks they are with them. Early socializing is essential for a well-balanced dog.
Also, make sure the breeder’s facilities are clean and large by inspecting them. Check the records of the parent dogs to ensure that their lineages are pure. Doing a little study now will save you a lot of money and heartache in the future. Again, the AKC will handle the majority of your vetting, so it’s preferable to use their register.
If at all possible, stay away from puppy mills. They maintain their canines in deplorable circumstances just to increase their profits. It has been documented that puppies from puppy mills are more prone to develop diseases, resulting in costly appointments to the veterinarian.
You might be interested in learning more about how Parti colored Yorkies are bred. There are a lot of factors involved!
Breeding Parti Yorkies is unique since they can originate from two regular Yorkies. While we said before that purebred Parti Yorkies may be found from specific breeders, it isn’t the sole need.
As previously stated, normal Yorkies are fairly likely to possess the Parti gene. Because it’s recessive, it’s less common in normal parents, but it’s conceivable!
The only requirement is that both parents carry the Parti gene. If this is the case, the parents’ physical appearance is irrelevant. About 25% of all puppies with the Parti gene from two standard Yorkies will have the multicolored coat.
What if just one parent carries the Parti gene? The puppies will not appear as Parti colored Yorkies in this scenario, but they will have a chance to inherit the Parti gene in future litters.
Overall, there are a few options for breeding Parti Yorkies, depending on whether one or both parents have the Parti gene.
Parti Yorkie FAQ
What is the difference between a Biewer and Parti Yorkie?
Despite the fact that the Biewer and the Parti Yorkie have certain similarities, they are strictly separate breeds. Biewers were developed in Germany in the mid-1980s, whereas the Parti Yorkie was developed in the United States. The Biewer is classified as a separate breed, but the Parti is classified as a Yorkshire Terrier with a color defect.
What is the difference between a Parti Yorkie and a Purebred Yorkie?
Yorkshire Terriers are purebred Yorkshire Terriers, while Parti Yorkies are purebred Yorkshire Terriers. Some argue that they aren’t purebred since the Parti gene is found in just a small percentage of Yorkies, and it takes two Yorkies with the Parti gene to produce a Parti. This is not the case; they are purebred Yorkies with a third color in addition to the standard Yorkie coloring.
Do Parti Yorkies shed?
Yes, Parti Yorkies shed, but it’s less noticeable since their growing and shedding cycles differ from those of other dogs. The coat of a Parti Yorkie grows at the same rate all year. As a result, a Parti will not shed heavily, and you will most likely notice shedding when you bathe, brush, or comb it.
Are Parti Yorkies hypoallergenic?
Parti Yorkies, like other Yorkshire Terriers, have long, silky hair. Their coats are reputed to be non-shedding despite their length. Simply said, they might be classified as hypoallergenic.
Parti Yorkies, unlike other dog breeds that shed a lot, don’t have undercoats. One of the primary reasons Yorkies do not shed is because of this. Most of the time, these dogs will only shed if you thoroughly brush their fur.
Regardless, keeping your parti Yorkie’s hair short is still suggested. Brushing will be easier this way, and your pet will appear nice and tidy even with minimum care.
Are Parti Yorkies smart?
Yorkies (particularly parti-colored Yorkies) are generally clever canines. Yorkshire Terriers were classified as the 34th smartest breed in a survey of 138 dog breeds.
Other terriers, such as the Boston Terrier, Welsh Terrier, and Irish Terrier, did not fare as well.
You should have no trouble training a parti Yorkie, even though they aren’t at the top of the list. After all, with a little persistence and patience, any dog, regardless of intellect level, may be trained.
Does the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognize Parti Yorkies?
The answer is clearly YES! The AKC determined that conventional purebred Yorkshire Terriers can produce Yorkies of various colors. It’s all down to genetics! In reality, the AKC started accepting registrations for Parti Yorkies with the color designation 014 in 2000. Many breeders began breeding Parti Yorkies when the AKC officially approved them.
So, where does all this misunderstanding and disinformation originate? The YTCA (Yorkshire Terrier Club of America) notes that the Parti colored Yorkie is not standard, which has caused some people to believe that this means they aren’t purebred and hence can’t be registered with the AKC, which is wrong.
How much exercise do Yorkies require?
A stroll with your Yorkie should be done at least once a day, but twice daily is preferable. It’s best to do it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. The length of the walks is less significant than sticking to a timetable. When all breeds are given a daily program, they behave better.
There’s moderate exercise, such as regular walks at a steady pace, and cardiac exercise, such as playing fetch, which is a shorter but more intensive activity. Daily exercise for your Yorkie has various advantages, one of which is that it helps a dog release pent-up energy that would otherwise be channeled in undesirable ways like as excessive barking, destructive chewing, and other behaviors.
The Parti Yorkie is a purebred Yorkshire Terrier and today they are very popular. But, it wasn’t always like that, at some point they were given away or euthanized.
But, it’s important to know that these dogs have the same traits as any other Yorkie. So, you’re getting a great companion dog with a lot of energy. They are affectionate, intelligent but also a bit feisty. Despite being small they are protective of their family because they form such strong bonds with their owner.
We also have to mention that these dogs are prone to Small Dog Syndrome. This means they are very likely jumping up at people, aggression towards other dogs, especially larger ones, barking at strangers, and begging for food. So, training and early socialization are a must.
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